Project One Final

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Project One Final

Post by Krueckl »

Hello! Here is my final for project one. I decided to go with the plant theme layout. I also really liked my other black sand theme because the contrast was really nice but I am actually passionate about plants and gardening so this design speaks more to me. I experimented and tried to make some unique plant buttons but the way I created them did not look right with the background and was too busy. I decided to stick with a simple sand color for the buttons and simple square shapes to make them easy to view. I added a drop shadow to my paragraph text to make it easier to read. I experimented with some shapes and added some shape details to outline my photo. I am still working on my personal logo so that might be something I add in the future.

Informational Site: ... 21aa129a42

This website was helpful and helps to explain the most important elements of a landing/home page. ... ign=buffer

This website is very helpful as well in explaining the most important parts of a homepage and explained it in more detail.

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Re: Project One Final

Post by Anayik »

Hi Katherine,

I really like your bg imagery. Its beautiful and contemporary. Also really like the boxes you used to frame your photo. Your nav buttons look a little less modern than the rest of your design...Maybe a sans serif font would be something to try out? Also, on your mobile give your body copy a little more margin on the left side and it will breathe nicely. Nice contrast!
Kiana Bohm

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Re: Project One Final

Post by Instructor »

Oh this is a marked improvement over your preliminary version of this design, Kathy. Well done!

You switched over to a green transparency and that really works with your leaf background pattern. I like how the transparent green in your header interacts with the transparent green behind your photo. Some neat patterns there. It simplifies the design down a little and let's your well chosen leaf background image/texture take care of most of the complexification. Your drop shadow behind your bodycopy was an interesting choice as well. It does a great job of setting the bodycopy off against the leaves. Good color choices as well. The website is mostly green and white, but then you use a splash of warm gray and tan for the navigation which immediately draws the eye to it. It's probably the second thing the eye alights on after your picture. Nice choice on the calligraphy script type. It really looks like it was applied with a liner brush. Your sans-serif bodycopy is working nicely as well.

I don't know that you needed the extra serif type. I think your sans-serif font and your script font were working well enough. Your bodycopy on you computer version needed just a little more top margin to push it away from your navigation. Your bodycopy on your mobile version seems kind of mashed in there. It definitely could use a little extra margin at the top and on the left and right sides, especially the right side. Also, your mobile navigation seems kind of small.

Nice work! I like seeing design growth like this.
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Project One Final

Post by Kassandra »

Hi Katherine,
This looks so good! I love what you did with the 2 different tones of green behind your photo :). I'm also loving your cursive font for your name and the sans-serif font for your body. Great job on this website design!
Kassandra Fuentes

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Re: Project One Final

Post by jacklyn_yamine »

Hi Katherine,

I love your green theme you have chosen. That background image is so nice and I like your use of the green transparency pieces to add interest to your name and image. I think you might want to rethink some of your footer text and how it all runs in a straight line, at least how it goes from computer to mobile, because it will shrink and that's where you've placed your contact info, which can then make it lose its legibility. Otherwise, great job!

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Re: Project One Final

Post by Hamistani »

Hello Katherine,
I love this design! This layout is an improvement from the first design, and it looks great! I love the background, fonts, and colors used for this. I think the different shades of green and black looks very nice and professional. I don't normally like body text on top of an image, but you made it work. I can read it clearly. The only suggestions I have are to spread the navigation buttons out a bit more, and for the mobile version to give the body text more room because it looks a little cramped on the right side. Great job! :D
- Heather Amistani
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Re: Project One Final

Post by ItsAllisxn »

Hello Katherine!

Ahh this design makes me feel so calm! I love this theme it makes me feel so cool and calm. I like the different green transparency boxes that you've used around your design, they work really well. Personally, I find all the text at the bottom to be a bit crowded and hard to read. Maybe shortening your body text and incorporating the contact information there would work? Awesome job! I can't wait to see this published :D .
Allison Hartmann - Kachow 8-)

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Re: Project One Final

Post by it's_crysta »

I really like all the over lapping transparent boxes at the top with all the different greens and that your navigation bar is brown so it stands out. I would align the top of your picture with the navigation bar, I think it would give your name a bit more room and then you would have over lapping at the top of the picture as well as the bottom. Looks great!
it's Crysta (Clark)

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Re: Project One Final

Post by TStone711 »

Hi Kathy,

I really like the background for your websites, the leaves make me feel calm and it looks pleasing. I also do like your fonts but I think that your name font clashes with the button font, but that's just what I think. I can't wait to see your webpage though!

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Re: Project One Final

Post by Mal-Festio »

Hello Katherine,

This is a really nice design, visiting a website like this feels very fleshing by seeing the dark green of the leaves with the water droplets allover the place. I do think that if you want your Facebook and Instagram icons to be buttons that direct to your account pages, you might want to make them a bit bigger because it would be hard to tap on them. Aside from that, the design looks great.
Jordi Cruz Trujillo
