Project one final

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Project one final

Post by sal_baraj »

I decided to go with my first design, I thought it was just what worked best layout wise. I just had to work with the sizing of my name and the hand, and the introduction on myself. I also added a cracked effect on the picture of my hand and on the background. This helped bring my whole design together, the cracked effect on the hand helped bring my name forward. I think I did a good job showing my personalty and aesthetic through this design. The pictures I used were all taken by me when I went to Paris and it was a trip that truly helped shape my style. The websites I used as inspiration helped me keep my design clean but interesting, as someone who does most of their shopping online I hate going on a website that is confusing or over whelming. I wanted to have the important information in plain sight and use my background as the attention grabber.

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Re: Project one final

Post by Arisa »

Your idea is very cool!
The contrast between the hands and the green background really brings out your concept 8-) .
:D Arisa Koike

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Re: Project one final

Post by Anayik »

Hi Sal,

I really like the vintage feel of your design. I also think that the green you chose compliments the theme really. Plus its just eye-pleasing in general. Your name font is spot on, also works well with the vintage look but still looks contemporary and clean. I do think its hard to make out your last name well behind the hand image
Kiana Bohm

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Re: Project one final

Post by gavin_clouser »

The body copy for me is really hard to read. It disappears on the background almost. Im not sure if making it bolder will make a difference but I would try to adjust the look of that.

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Re: Project one final

Post by gavin_clouser »

The body copy for me is really hard to read. It disappears on the background almost. Im not sure if making it bolder will make a difference but I would try to adjust the look of that.

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Re: Project one final

Post by Kassandra »

Hi Sal,
This is a great design. I love the crackle effect you added and the color is great too! I agree with Gavin, in that the body text is a little hard to read. Maybe try making it bolder and increasing the leading. If bolding it doesn't work, then maybe adding a transparent dark green box behind the text.
Kassandra Fuentes

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Re: Project one final

Post by it's_crysta »

The cracks in the hand and the texture on your background look super nice. Your about me is a little hard to read though and it might help if you put it at the top so it's not on the busy part of the city. Other than that it looks amazing!
it's Crysta (Clark)

i feel like i'm on neopets again

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Re: Project one final

Post by Hamistani »

Hello Sal,
This is a very nice design. I like the colors you used, and the fonts you used. I also like how you right aligned the body text. I would try to find a full image of the hand, instead of one that is cut off, and I would bring the "GRC 175..." over a little bit to the right because it looks a little bit close to the TMCC logo. Overall, great job! :D
- Heather Amistani
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Re: Project one final

Post by jacklyn_yamine »

Hi Sal,
You have some very interesting textures going in the background and imagery, which is cool, and because of that I'm glad that you added some drop shadow to your body copy about you so that it maintained its legibility. I do think that you could shrink the TMCC logo a little bit more next to the class info, I feel like it's slightly overpowering it and that info is very secondary. Also, the drop shadow looks like it's black, I would change it to a dark green or the very green of the background, you just want to re-solidify the parts behind the text and I think that will help make things legible and blend nicely together because the black at the moment is kind of harsh and very obvious that is it a drop shadow.

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Re: Project one final

Post by Instructor »

Oh interesting, you went with the Paris one.

Conceptually, I like what you are trying to do here. I really appreciate your commitment to cleaner, simpler websites. Hang on to that! It will serve you well in the future of building websites and in designing layouts in general. After all websites are just page layouts with interactivity. In this case it means that this is a very simple and clean layout that's being carried by a background photo/pattern. It's got a crisp, hard edged structure to it with generally pretty good margins. The hand is such an interesting photo choice. And with the distressing on it, it looks like a ghost hand caressing your name. So many layers there. Your script type is really working, especially in the title. It makes me think of a handwritten menu at a cafe. Your contrast is pretty decent, too. Especially on your title and quote. And that drop shadow on the bodycopy! That's really putting in the work popping off your body copy and your class information.

I'm not actually a huge fan of the distressing. I get why you did it, but the preliminary version of this thing looked so much cleaner. I probably would have "chipped off" some of the hand at the bottom and left edge to avoid the hard lines you have here. I think your navigation, your "About Me" text, and your email could have used the same drop shadow you used on your bodycopy. Or maybe have the "About Me" text in black, like your page title.

Good effort. I liked seeing your ideas.
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173
