Project 1 final!

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Project 1 final!

Post by Kelsey_Reynolds »

Hello all, My name is Kelsey Reynolds

I completely reworked my design save for the aesthetic to better fit the requirements. In this rendition I included tabs for my other future projects below a nice walk cycle of my own mouse character i animated in a different class, to demonstrate my interest in animation and design. I tried to go for a kind of pretty scrap-book feel with the use of notebook paper in the background, a doily around my photo, adding bold white outlines to my name and mice to give the appearance of stickers and turning one of the tabs where i'll link my references and resources into one of those paper lids on single serve ice-cream cups. A little throw back to something i fondly remember from my childhood. I'm really happy with how this turned out, I feel it really represents me as a person and the things I enjoy.

Here's my helpful web links! I found these useful because they provide great examples of a variety of website designs using techniques I had thought about before, like how the scrolling down through the website can be a unique experience with the use of animations. So cool! ... sign-tips/ ... a-website/

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Re: Project 1 final!

Post by estrellau »

Hi Kelsey,
omg this is so adorable how did you make the sparkle background?
I like the layout to, what is the pull thing for will you make it have on affect that looks like it is pulling something? that is so interesting
I'm trying my best ┐(´∀`)┌ .......

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Re: Project 1 final!

Post by Instructor »

Oh my! You've made yourself a sticker book. It feels so glittery.

You've got a real "crafts project" aesthetic here that adds a lot of visual interest. I really like the interplay between all of your textures. The whole thing makes me smile. Clearly you had oodles of fun putting this thing together. I'm spotting new details as I go through it. You even put a lace doily around your picture! Great use of transparency too. Your "lined notebook paper" that shows the background gradient through is a particularly nice touch. My favorite bit though is the page scrolling pull tab. It's like your website is some sort of pop-up book and if I pull on the tab all sorts of weird/delightful things will happen. I like your handwriting font, particularly in your page title. It makes the whole thing look like this is a page out of an artsy girl's journal or something. It all works pretty darn well.

I find your bodycopy hard to read though. It kind of runs together into a mash. I think it's the stroke around it that's turning it into mash. It may have been better served by a drop shadow or ever so slightly lightening the glitter sparkles in the background behind your type.

Good effort! I can almost smell this one, it's so sweet.
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Project 1 final!

Post by gavin_clouser »

Hi, Kelsey. Your body copy is very hard to read. Maybe use a less expressive typeface or change the background color. I would mess around with that.

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Re: Project 1 final!

Post by Kassandra »

Hi Kelsey,
This is so cute! I love it! Great use of color, gradient, and glitter is the bomb. The font choice goes perfectly with your design. The only thing I would suggest is justify the body copy for the center. Other than that, this is awesome! I can't wait to see it published and being able to animate the bottom section :).
Kassandra Fuentes

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Re: Project 1 final!

Post by jacklyn_yamine »

Hi Kelsey,
I'm glad that you were able to keep one of your original themes but make it so that it fit the requirements of the project better. Your idea of a pull tab for more things to see is a neat idea and can't wait to see how you are able to code that for things to pop out from. This is a very cool design and I really like your lace texture around the image of you. Very nice!

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Re: Project 1 final!

Post by Hamistani »

This looks really great! This theme goes very well together. I love the pull-up tab; I think that is very creative, and I'm looking forward to seeing it in action. The frame around is picture fits the theme amazingly. The body copy seems to fade in with the background, so I would change the outline color or add a drop shadow. Other than that, it looks great! :D
- Heather Amistani
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Re: Project 1 final!

Post by ItsAllisxn »

Hi Kelsey!

Wow! This is so cool! I love how personal and original this design is. I also really appreciate the incorporation of drop shadows, it really makes your pieces stand out. The intricate design surrounding the picture of yourself is astounding. I'm having a difficult time reading the "contact me" with the TMCC logo, I feel it blends into your background. Maybe changing it to match the color of the "oh hey, Im" would work better? Great job! This is so fun and creative!
Allison Hartmann - Kachow 8-)

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Re: Project 1 final!

Post by Krueckl »

Hi Kelsey,
Wow your layout is so cute. There is so much detail and I really like it all! I love the purple and blue colors used as well as your profile picture. It is fun to look at and so creative. Nice job.

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Re: Project 1 final!

Post by Mal-Festio »

Hello Kelsey,

I really like this new layout you came up with. It reminds sort of a pop up book about magic. That drop shadow really brings interesting visual dimension to the design. I am really excited to see how the pull tab at the bottom will work once it becomes a working website.
Jordi Cruz Trujillo
