Project 1 Final

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Project 1 Final

Post by TStone711 »

Heya Everyone!

I am Tyler, and these two are the final designs of my website and mobile version. Now I took into consideration of all of the replies that talked about the typeface but I also flipped the background and the banner and thought it worked out very well (Thank you for the idea Mr. Ganschow!). Now some of the problems that were in my preliminary were the typeface and just something minor things, but I believe that I took care of those little details and think that I did very well. I will probably be adding more to the site like a image background but I want to see how far I can go with this for right now! ... ics-guide/

Now my two informational websites helped me out a lot for starting out, and while I did look at more informational websites, I think that these two right here are the two that gave me the most information. I will admit that I am not the best with Adobe, especially because I have been using it for only two years now, but I will say that I think I am always doing better!
grc_175_mobile_version copy.jpg

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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by Instructor »

Oh wow! These are markedly better. Nice improvement, Tyler.

I think where the improvement really shows is in the alignment. You've got really good alignments on both your computer and mobile layouts. Great edgework. Your margins are consistent on both designs and do give enough room. Everything in these layouts is well placed and easy to read and the great contrast carries over from the preliminary work version of this website. I think it's the simplicity that's really working for you here. Your whole layout is easy to read and there's nothing extraneous. No clutter. Everything has a purpose and my eye moves through it easily. Your navigation is easy to see and use and your header and footer make for a great frame. This is a real step up over your preliminary version.

I'm not keen on the shifting typefaces. I think theres about two to many of them and they change between the mobile and the computer layout. You want to keep those the same so there is continuity of layout. It helps folks know where they are. I like the top link text on your computer version. I think that would have been fine for the buttons and all the links on your mobile version.

Good effort! I really like seeing growth like this.
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by it's_crysta »

I like how easy your layout is to read and navigate. It looks nice and I like that you chose the monochromatic blue layout.
it's Crysta (Clark)

i feel like i'm on neopets again

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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by Hamistani »

Hello Tyler,
This is a very nice layout! I like the monochromatic color scheme you have. I also think this looks like it is very easy to navigate. I like the navigation button font you chose for your computer version, maybe you could incorporate that font into your mobile version. For your mobile version, I would also make the TMCC logo smaller, and make the "references" tab as big as your projects tab. Overall, great job! :D
- Heather Amistani
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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by jacklyn_yamine »

Hi Tyler,
These are looking good from your prelim designs. I don't think you should have your fonts change from one layout to the other, I really like the one that you use in the mobile layout for your name and would put it in your computer layout as well for your name. you also seem to change the font for the class info and think that it should stay the same. Very clean layout in all other aspects, great job.

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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by Kassandra »

Hi Tyler,
This has come a long way! Great job in improving this website layout. Love the colors you use and the text is easily readable against the blue. This text is much easier to read for your body copy, and I'm glad you choose a decorative font for your menu boxes. Great job!
Kassandra Fuentes

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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by sal_baraj »

Hi tyler,
I like the colors you used and they make the website really pop. I would just like to see you play with the sizing of things but other than that great job

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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by Anayik »

Hi Tyler,

Nice job playing with the fonts, it's definitely added more texture and visual interest to your site. I like that you stuck with a monochromatic color scheme, you chose blues that work well together. Just be careful that your TMCC logo doesn't outshine other elements in your design, as its pretty big right now. Very cool!
Kiana Bohm

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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by Mal-Festio »

Hello Tyler,

Nice improvements, both layout are very well organized so it will be easy to navigate through your information. I really like the blue you chosen. I think for consistency, you should use the same font of your name on your mobile version to your name on the computer.
Jordi Cruz Trujillo

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Re: Project 1 Final

Post by ItsAllisxn »

Hi Tyler!

You have some awesome improvements from your rough! Your layout looks easy and simple to navigate which is great. I also like the blues you've picked they compliment each other nicely. Something that may be worth trying is moving your name on top of your body text and maybe taking out a couple lines in your bio. It gets a little lost on the side. Good job Tyler! I can't wait to see your published website :)
Allison Hartmann - Kachow 8-)
