Final 01

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Re: Final 01

Post by Anayik »

Hi Hannah,

still really digging your use of a script overlay on your printed name. I'ts a really cool idea. And your colors make me think of pink lemonade and summertime. It's feminine yet edgy.
Kiana Bohm

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Re: Final 01

Post by Mal-Festio »

Hello Hannah,

Nice floral pattern. I am curious what your major graphic will be, I do think it'll give that boost of visuall interest to you overall layout. I agree with the others to probably darken the blue more so text will stand out.
Jordi Cruz Trujillo

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Re: Final 01

Post by jacklyn_yamine »

Hi Hannah,
I like that you went with the yellow, blue, and pink color scheme design, and while that is a nice floral background pattern, I personally did like the solid background with your single image of flowers. I do think the floral pattern is just a little too busy and is making it hard to read your body copy because these colors all relatively have the same hue to them.

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Re: Final 01

Post by ItsAllisxn »

Hi Hannah!

I love this design! From what I've seen from your designs in other classes, this definitely fits your personality and style. I'm a fan of the cursive behind your name I think that adds a really cool effect. Your layout is simple but works well together. I'm having a bit of trouble reading your body text, maybe you could continue to lighten the background or pick a darker blue, although I'm worried that it might ruin the aesthetic but may be something worth trying. Continuing with a darker muted blue may keep it in theme? With that being said, I'm really excited to see how your published website comes out! Great work :)
Allison Hartmann - Kachow 8-)

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Re: Final 01

Post by IzzyB »

Hi Hannah!

Wow! You can really see that your design is shown here, the website feels very personal and all the elements work together. I would have brought up the GRC info a little bit higher but this is a pretty design overall ;)
Isabelle Bento (the person with the basic anime girl hair cut) UwU

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Re: Final 01

Post by kendall_the_mann »

Hi Hannah!

I always love seeing what you do with the colors pink, blue and yellow. Those are so your colors! This design is so elegant and simplistic in a great way. I think the only thing I could offer is the idea of adding a light yellow/cream box behind the blue body copy since the blue and pink bleed together just a bit.

Other than that small thing, this is such a pretty design, great job!
-Kendall Mann

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Re: Final 01

Post by rmepinero »

Hiya Hannah!
I’m still so in love with your site. The fonts and colors are just beautiful and really reflect you. I especially like the subtle design in the background. Great job!
Rowena Piñero
"My vibe is like, hey you could probably pour soup in my lap and I'll apologize to you."

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Re: Final 01

Post by kmohara5190 »

Hi Hannah,
This is a really happy website and I enjoy looking at it! It is a little spread out feeling, so maybe moving it closer together would look good, but overall I really like it! Good work!
Kierann O'Hara
