Project 01 Final

Post links to your Project One websites for discussion and feedback.
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Re: Project 01 Final

Post by IzzyB »

Hi Jacklyn!
I think that your design is very clean and I like how you lowered the opacity on the flower background. This makes your text pop out and makes it very to read. Like other people have said before, I would work on the centering of the body copy.
Isabelle Bento (the person with the basic anime girl hair cut) UwU

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Re: Project 01 Final

Post by it's_crysta »

This came out great. I like all your colors and the background picture. Your design is clean and nice to look at. Great work!
it's Crysta (Clark)

i feel like i'm on neopets again

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Re: Project 01 Final

Post by kendall_the_mann »

Hi Jacklyn!

Wow, this is such a soothing design, I feel like I can smell that really pretty perfume my grandma used to wear looking at this haha. I love how you lined your text and your LOGO!!! So elegant! I think maybe my only thing is that the font in the footer doesn't really match the aesthetic of the overall website, but other than that small nitpick I think this design is incredible! Awesome job : )
-Kendall Mann

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Re: Project 01 Final

Post by rmepinero »

Jacklyn this layout is incredibly beautiful. The photos and font colors are so elegant. There’s a slight contrast with your logo being in a script font and the rest of your site type being in a sans serif and it’s really subtle and I love it. The only thing that you could maybe change is the TMCC info at the bottom. I just think it could be a bit smaller but that’s all! Great job!
Rowena Piñero
"My vibe is like, hey you could probably pour soup in my lap and I'll apologize to you."

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Re: Project 01 Final

Post by dearangela »

Hey Jacklyn,

Love the colors and photo you have used for your design, everything fits in together nicely and I love that your name is the center of attention, great job!

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Re: Project 01 Final

Post by comicsansfanclub »

Hi Jacklyn,

This looks so pretty! I love it! I do agree with a lot of the comments on your body type being a little hard to read. Maybe making the type a little bit bigger might help? Other than that, Amazing job!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*Hazzie Castaneda*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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Re: Project 01 Final

Post by kmohara5190 »

Hi Jacklyn,
I am glad you chose this design as your final website because I love the background and the white text on top! I think the description text could be a little larger, but besides that, I love it!
Kierann O'Hara
