project 1 final

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project 1 final

Post by it's_crysta »

Hello, I ended up picking the neon layout for my final. I finally added my bio, a whole lot shorter than the placement body copy I had in my prelim, so I had a lot more room for other things. I moved the tmcc info and my email to its own box. I added extra neons as well, the darker colored ones are supposed to be a lights off kind of thing so I could fill up the space with out it being too distracting if it were all bright and to give it some depth. I figured it'd be funner to go big or go home with all the signs I had, so I wanted it to be reminiscent of an old Las Vegas or some kind of market in Hong Kong. I also made the background picture darker so the white text was easier to read and everything stood out against it better. I'm really happy with how it turned out, it was a lot of fun to work on.

Here are my two websites ... out-812625 ... practices/
it's Crysta (Clark)

i feel like i'm on neopets again

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Re: project 1 final

Post by Krueckl »

Hi Crysta,
I really like your final layout and design. The colors pop and the neon glow look is really fun to look at. I find it clear and easy to read. I really like the way you used a sign and arrow to point to the areas of your website. Super creative!

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Re: project 1 final

Post by Anayik »

Hi Crysta, I really like the overall feel of your concept. I feel like it's all flashing and moving even though its not...well done capturing the feel. Your email looks a little cramped in your mobile version. Other than that its stellar!!
Kiana Bohm

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Re: project 1 final

Post by Instructor »

Yes! You snagged the neon one. That was my favorite of your designs.

The aesthetic you've got going on here reminds me of a montage from a 1930s movie when the lead character goes out and has a night on the town getting drunk. It's all flashes of neon signs and grungy sidewalks. But it also has a magenta and teal vaporwave aesthetic. So it's a vaporwave film noir website? That seems a good an explanation as any. Great use of neon effects. You've mastered one of the techniques with glows where you make the shape white and the glow a color and then the color bleed will "colorize" the shape. Speaking of shapes, they're fun too. Very bustling city, as I mentioned previously. I especially like the juxtaposition between the strip club leg and the coffee cup. I also love the stained velvet painting/grungy sidewalk texture in the background. It add such visual interest and is a great base layer for all the other visual texture your stacked shapes provide. I like your type choices as well. They look like signage in store windows. Your navigation is easy to see and use and I love the way the arrow in your name points right to it.

The margins are a little tight on your tiny class info text. That text get's super tiny on your mobile version. Aside form that, this is pretty darn top notch.

Good work! Be proud of your vaporwave film noir website.
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: project 1 final

Post by gavin_clouser »

Pretty dope! That use of neon is really cool. Big fan of this. Excited to see your final.

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Re: project 1 final

Post by Kassandra »

Hi Crysta!
YAY!! This has come along. I love the movement you added with the legs and the coffee mug. Everything is well balanced and goes well together. I love the little arrow with your last name that directs people to your projects and references. Love it!
Kassandra Fuentes

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Re: project 1 final

Post by jacklyn_yamine »

Hi Crysta,
This is awesome! This is much better than your prelim and I love everything. All those neon signs look great and true to what a neon sign should look like. I don't know how much you intended for this but the legs do a great job of getting your eye to look at each of the pieces of text with the way that they point in different directions, even the faded out ones.

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Re: project 1 final

Post by Hamistani »

Hello Crysta,
This looks great! It's very eye-catching, and I like how the arrow points to the projects. The colors go very well together, and the fonts look awesome. You filled in the negative space beautifully. On your mobile version, the "GRC 175..." looks a bit cramped, so maybe make the box a bit bigger, or make the font smaller. Other than this small change, it looks great! :D
- Heather Amistani
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Re: project 1 final

Post by ItsAllisxn »

Hi Crysta!

This is such a cool and creative design! I find myself looking for more things to look at. I love the neon sign style it's always something I've wanted to try out personally. I love the creative layout you have. Even though it's complex, it's really easy for me to find anything and you've done a great job guiding the eye. My only suggestion is maybe putting the "GRC 175" text somewhere else for your mobile version. It seems a bit cramped. Maybe the bottom right? Great work! I love it.
Allison Hartmann - Kachow 8-)

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Re: project 1 final

Post by sal_baraj »

Hi Crysta,
I love your design, and I like how you gave it depth and not just flat neon lights it really brings the whole design together
