Project 3 Preliminary

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Project 3 Preliminary

Post by Mal-Festio »

Here are my two ideas for the website I am redesigning. That Website being:
Cap"N Games Inc is a local video game store here in Sparks and Reno. They sell video games for all console platforms, they care more for retro games.

I thought there was probably a bit too much information a visitor would have to go through and there was some redundancy so I tried to minimize that. In the first concept, I tried making look more like a shopping site you would see presently based some of the layout other video game store websites. I am still unsure If I would have changed the comic sans font for the name, they used that font for both their stores so I thought it was part of their brand but yeah it's comic sans. The second one, I wanted more of the retro gaming feel so I based it on a very retro video game main menu screen.

The layout for these is still very rough, mainly the product results.
Jordi Cruz Trujillo

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Re: Project 3 Preliminary

Post by Kassandra »

Hi Jordi,
I'm loving your first design. I like how the mascot sticks out on the middle section of the web version and complete on the mobile version. Your font choices are also great, and I especially like your font choice in your second design. It definitely has the gaming vibes, but it might be too much if you were to incorporate it in your first design. I think this is coming along and can't wait to see the final result :).
Kassandra Fuentes

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Re: Project 3 Preliminary

Post by Instructor »

Oh nice! Good cleanup and organization work here, Jordi. Of your two, I much prefer your first design. I like the contrast you create with the complimentary color scheme and then several tints of your purple.

Aside from the contrast, what really stands out to me is your organization on your first design. You do a great job using proximity to group the various topics and repetition to train us what different things are doing. Your strong use of margin really differentiates different areas and points us to what's navigation and what's content. You also do a great job highlighting important things with the yellow color. The eye is drawn to it agains the different purple backgrounds. And yet, none of the purples are so light as to loose the yellow text. Your fonts are working well together too. Your main type doesn't clash with their off marker type they use in their logo. All the various points of navigation in this layout are easy to see and use too.

What it really needs is photos. It looks super plain without 'em. I see the slots where they'll go, at least. Watch the margin between your footer and your content on your computer inner page layout. It's plenty good on your mobile inner page layout though.

Good work!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Project 3 Preliminary

Post by kmohara5190 »

Hi Jordi,
I like your first design a lot because of the character and multiple colors. It adds a homey touch and the colors break up the text. The layout is a bit cluttered, so I think if you narrowed down the content on the home page, it would look good. Good job!
Kierann O'Hara

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Re: Project 3 Preliminary

Post by Krueckl »

Hi Jordi,
I like the way you used a computer type of font for the second layout. It is also not difficult to read. Overall, I like the first design the best. It seems to be really well organized and the information really pops with the background colors you used for the boxes. I like the font choices for the first theme as well. It is clear and easy to read. The contrast is great too! I'm sure you have more to add to it like pictures and what-not so I think you have a great start on this! Nice job.

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Re: Project 3 Preliminary

Post by it's_crysta »

Hi Jordi, I really like the color scheme you chose for you redesigns and I like the font you chose in your second layout, the pixels go with how they have more of a focus on retro games. How you included their mascot in the first one is also really great. Good work!
it's Crysta (Clark)

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Re: Project 3 Preliminary

Post by gavin_clouser »

If your second design incorporated images it would be a fantastic web design. The type and layout is great it just lacks strong imagery.

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Re: Project 3 Preliminary

Post by jacklyn_yamine »

Hi Jordi,
I'm so glad someone did this site! I've known about this for awhile and you have done a nice job in getting things organized and not so overwhelming. I like your first design because that font is much easier to read than the 8-bit style font you have on the second design. I also like that you kept the little police guy with his whistle. You have a good use of color with the different shades of blue that allow for some breakage from one small section to the next. Though at the bottom, I think the blue is starting to get a little too bright to where it is starting to match the brightness of the yellow and the text is really thin so it's making it harder to read and become a little hard on the eyes to look at.

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Re: Project 3 Preliminary

Post by Hamistani »

Hello Jordi,
Although I really like the font choices in the second design, I like the first design more because you have contrasting colors. I looks easy to navigate and clean. I would add more photos of the products, it looks great!
- Heather Amistani
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Re: Project 3 Preliminary

Post by ItsAllisxn »

Hi Jordi,

Great job on this redesign! I really appreciate how you've kept the theme and personality of the original website and cleaned it up for your redesign. I'm personally more drawn to your first layout, I really like how well your blues/purples contrast with the yellow. Great font choices as well, they're easy to read and nice to look at. My only suggestion is maybe finding a higher-quality image for the police officer, it's a tad bit pixilated. If there isn't another image, image tracing in illustrator may help clean up the lines. This website will look awesome once the images are added. Great work!
Allison Hartmann - Kachow 8-)
