project 3 prelim

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project 3 prelim

Post by it's_crysta »

Hello everyone. I picked this site and decided to keep the ocean theme they have going on for most of it but stripping it down so it's not so cluttered. I wanted to keep thing simple because it's a massage place so it should be calming and that's why I kept to cooler colors for both designs. I want the information to scroll down that's why some of the picture are cut off. So over all I wanted a much chiller looking layout that doesn't overwhelm with a ll the information that's on the page.
it's Crysta (Clark)

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Re: project 3 prelim

Post by Anayik »

Hi Crysta!

You did a nice job creating a calm and serene feel for both of your concepts. I love the sea-foam green you used in your second one. They're also both really clean and well-organized. That being said I think your first concept is my favorite. I really love the beach imagery you chose. It's visually rich but leaves lots of empty space for your text. You did a great job of balancing your whole composition. I also dig that the text looks like it's hovering somewhere above the sand rather than being contained in a box. I feel calm just looking at it honestly lol. Well done, as usual
Kiana Bohm

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Re: project 3 prelim

Post by Kassandra »

Hi Cyrstal,
Hahaha, I remember looking at this website. You did such a great job incorporating a serene quality into both of your designs. You accomplished this with the ocean photo in your first design, and with the color palette in your second design. I would move forward with your second design since you have more of a color palette and brand with it. Great job!
Kassandra Fuentes

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Re: project 3 prelim

Post by Krueckl »

Hi Crystal,
You did such a good job on this website. It's hard to choose between the two layouts. I like the second layout the best. The navigation bar is well organized and the colors used to separate the bottom section of the page between the navigation bar has a great contrast. They both look great though. I can't wait to see what the final project look like!

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Re: project 3 prelim

Post by Instructor »

Oh! That first design is choice. Great simplification work, Crysta!

Such a great background pic on that first design. It's both serene and natural and so visually describes this company. I can hear that wave gently crashing along the shore just looking at it. I've got it open in another tab while I'm writing this and it's relaxing me right now. Great logo redesign too. It fits with what they're selling and looks appropriately calming. Great color choices for the navigation, logo, and bodycopy. The dark and light teals perfectly match the colors in the water. The black bodycopy contrasts well with the sand and makes the type easy to read. Good typographic selection as well, not just in the logo. The type feels appropriately soothing and antural too. Great use of margin throughout. Everything has room to breathe and lays out smoothly. The navigation is easy to see and use, too.

I'd recommend cutting up the background image on the mobile version so the content area is a uniform sand color and the wave is a background graphic in your footer. That way, no matter how tall the mobile version gets, the wave is always unobstructed.

Great job!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: project 3 prelim

Post by kmohara5190 »

Hi Crystal,
I like your first design a lot and I think you should go with that one. The layout is very clean and gives off a feeling of serenity. I think that the image on the second page should have a border or something around it so that it looks less out of place. Good job!
Kierann O'Hara

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Re: project 3 prelim

Post by jacklyn_yamine »

Hi Crysta,
I too came across this sight and was overwhelmed with what was going on and how many things were moving for whatever reason, definitely not calming at all. I really like your first design with everything being over this beautiful image of the land meeting the ocean. I love the font you found for 'Serene Naturist' and think you have made everything actually look and feel serene and natural. The text is easy to ready and the site to navigate. Great job.

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Re: project 3 prelim

Post by gavin_clouser »

Hi Crysta, I love the first one. It is simple, very easy to follow, and good heir archy. It's very nice to look at as well. The second one for me lacks the imagery of the first and I think thats where the strength is in the first one.

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Re: project 3 prelim

Post by Hamistani »

Hello Crysta,
These both look great! However, I have to choose the first one. Maybe it's because I've always found the ocean to be calming, but this website I feel just matches what the website is trying to accomplish. The asymmetrical design makes it very appealing to look at. You did a fantastic job choosing the fonts and colors. On the mobile version inner page, I would make the image of the woman smaller, so it doesn't overlap the ocean. Great job!
- Heather Amistani
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Re: project 3 prelim

Post by ItsAllisxn »

Hi Crysta,

Wow... I'm really loving these redesigns compared to the original website. I'm personally very drawn to your first set of layouts. As others have mentioned, the ocean really brings me in and definitely sets the tone of the company. I appreciate your asymmetrical layout and think that it adds interest. My only critique is the picture on the about page for both versions somewhat sticks out as not belonging. Maybe adding a white border or fading out the edges would help it to look more cohesive. Great work on this redesign!
Allison Hartmann - Kachow 8-)
