Project 3 Prelim

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Project 3 Prelim

Post by aka_fefi »

Hey all!

So the website I did is amazing, I've never seen anything like it. It's I really, really recommend everyone look through it (especially in the about ling movie section, it's just... wow). When you look at it you'll understand why I picked it. I think my layouts are a little bit plain right now but going through that website has burned my corneas forever so I might add some more pizzazz at a later date but here's where I'm at now.
Stephanie Serpa

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Re: Project 3 Prelim

Post by Kassandra »

Hi Stephanie,
This is so much easier on the eyes than the original website. Clicking on the link hurt my eyes. This is a great start, and I actually don't mind the simplicity of it because it's easy to read and it's straight to the point. I'm liking your second design more, but maybe replacing the blue with the red would make it work better. Great job on making this look 100% better!
Kassandra Fuentes

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Re: Project 3 Prelim

Post by Instructor »

Ooof, Ling's Cars. I see why you took the directions that you did with your two designs.

I like your red design better. It's a bit more visually interesting in terms of layout and design. I like the diagonal image cut in the header. That's very visually interesting and makes a great place for an emphasis picture, as you've done here. I like your type choice as well. It's a slightly bubbly and different sans-serif type. Great use of contrast throughout this thing as well. The red and white make for a great contrasting color scheme and work well together. The layout is clean and really uses margin well. I especially like the three column image, nav, image thing you've got going on with your home page. Your navigation is easy to see and use as well.

I think you may have taken a look at Ling's Cars and gone running in the opposite direction (a natural response, really). But I think you may have erred on the side of simplification here. I would at least label each car that's available and maybe do a line or two of description. I would recommend making that info up. I think you'll have more fun! I think your red one needs just a little more visual interest. I would start by stealing the drop shadows of your blue one and maybe adding a proper footer to balance the layout a bit. Maybe play with the diagonal design language you introduced in your header.

Good effort!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Project 3 Prelim

Post by kmohara5190 »

Hi Stephanie,
The website you redesigned was a good choice! I think I like your second design the best because of the image you chose. It created a homey, family feeling that looks good on car dealership website. Maybe changing the blue to a more striking color like the red would look good. Good work!
Kierann O'Hara

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Re: Project 3 Prelim

Post by Krueckl »

The original website is sooo difficult to look at! You were able to do a good job simplifying it to make it easier to navigate and read. I enjoy the red layout the best. I like the use of red colors used. Like you already mentioned, it does not have a lot going on right now so I am excited to see what the final version looks like! Looks like a great start.

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Re: Project 3 Prelim

Post by it's_crysta »

Hi Stephanie, I like your first design with the red, it feels more energetic and I feel like that's good for a car website. You made the site so much easier to look at and use. Good job!
it's Crysta (Clark)

i feel like i'm on neopets again

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Re: Project 3 Prelim

Post by jacklyn_yamine »

Hi Stephanie,
This site is hilarious as it is and I have no idea how anyone could take him serious enough to lease a car from him. Your designs are the complete opposite but they are working well for what I think a car buying/leasing/renting/etc. website should look like. I like that you kept things simple so that everything can be focused on the cars. I like your few pieces of imagery that you have chosen and think everything is working better on your red colored designs over the blue ones. However, I do think you should add a navigation to the red like you have on the blue as well as some pieces of info above or below each car. Although, on second thought, on your red colored layouts you have some items listed in-between two images. Take those pieces of text and put them on the images (add a third where the text was) with a darker transparent piece so that the image can be seen but the text is still legible. That way you can keep things simple but a little more visually interesting. The pieces of car imagery you have seem to be really good quality, but some of the other images are grainy and pixelated, make sure you have big enough images to look sharp on small or large screens.

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Re: Project 3 Prelim

Post by kendall_the_mann »

Hi Stephanie!

Wow, I want a sincere apology for making me have to look at that original website LOL I am... so sorry you had to look at it enough to come up with a comprehensive redesign!

I know you said they're simplistic, but I actually kind of like that for the homepage. It makes for really easy navigation which is always good when searching for cars. I love the blue, it really compliments your imagery well and opens the page up!

Awesome job deciphering that hellscape of a website!
-Kendall Mann

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Re: Project 3 Prelim

Post by gavin_clouser »

i love that you took a simplistic approach instead of overflowing the page with information. I like the Red approach as well so i think you should explore that.

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Re: Project 3 Prelim

Post by Hamistani »

Hello Staphanie,
Wow, that website is something...
Your designs are so much cleaner and easy to look at! I really like the red design because it looks cleaner and more professional. I like the font choice you have. I also like how it's clearly showing off the cars. I would add more text below the cars, so we know what they are, and I don't see navigation buttons, so I would add a nav hamburger or buttons. Great job, can't wait to see it live!
- Heather Amistani
Ehhh, What's up Doc? ;)
