Project 3 Preliminary

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Project 3 Preliminary

Post by Krueckl »

I was one of the many that also chose to recreate the Yale School of Art website. It was so bad, I knew there was no way such a prestigious school could not being doing that on purpose. I made it much simpler and used a single photo for the home pages rather than all the crammed photos that the original website has. I realize how minimalist I am and that it could probably use some more information on the home pages rather than just a photo and the title. I tried to add a little more creativity to the look and feel since it is for an art school. Here is the website for Yale

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Re: Project 3 Preliminary

Post by Kassandra »

Hi Kathy,
I also redesigned this website :). I have to admit that I was overwhelmed with all of the information, and I think I can still improve my current design and simplify it a bit more. I really like what you have done to make it more simple and easily readable. Right now, I think your top bar has a bit too much space so maybe reducing that a bit. However, I'm really liking your second website design with the paintbrush strokes. Can you make the brush strokes different colors? Other than that, I think you are on the right path for redesigning this website :).
Kassandra Fuentes

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Re: Project 3 Preliminary

Post by Anayik »

Hi Kathy,

Nice job cleaning this page right up. I feel like I can breathe now looking at it. I think I dig your first concept better...the one with the blue. I love the painting you chose as your imagery and I love the font you used for the title of the school. Maybe you could see if you can make the home page a little more dynamic by adding some clickable things of interest like current exhibitions et cetera. Very strong start!
Kiana Bohm

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Re: Project 3 Preliminary

Post by Instructor »

Yay! More Yale-ing. I like your clean simple one that's been vandalized by navigation splatters and "School of Art" scribbles.

It's so clean and professional and then BAM, graffiti. That the graffiti is there to draw the eye to critical pieces of information or navigational elements is a lovely piece of design. Your navigation is super easy to find and use entirely because of it's contrast, both in color and in design aesthetic. Really grabs the eye by the cornea and says "look at me!" Great use of contrast throughout your document. I like your inner page design too. It looks like a magazine article or a newspaper page. I especially like the use of the pull quote. You could put all kinds of interesting things in there. I also like the use of the header and footer as framing devices on the home page. Great homepage photograph too. It really says with no words exactly what you're getting yourself into here.

The biggest thing it needs is some photos on the inner newspaper style pages. I'd also play a bit with the alignments of some of your objects. For example. On your computer inner page you can match up the left edges of "HOME: THE SCHOOL", "About", and your pull quote to create an invisible line. Your mobile inner page layout has good working examples of this in action with your bodycopy and pullquote.

Nice job!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Project 3 Preliminary

Post by it's_crysta »

Hey Kathy, I like the designs that showcase the artwork right away. I also like the spray paint behind the navigation. I feel like you got the vibe of the original website while making it a lot cleaner and easy to look at. Great job!
it's Crysta (Clark)

i feel like i'm on neopets again

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Re: Project 3 Preliminary

Post by Mal-Festio »

Hello Kathy,

I think I like the second concept more but overall I think they are both do a great job. Both of them have excellent imagery, its really nice to see some of their art work on display so I think there is the potential for them to able switch images out to show their artwork frequently like they do with the gifs in their current website.
Jordi Cruz Trujillo

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Re: Project 3 Preliminary

Post by gavin_clouser »

hi Kathy. I personally like your second design. I feel like its really well organized and I think the headlines and paragraphs have good contrast so reading the copy is not hard to read.

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Re: Project 3 Preliminary

Post by jacklyn_yamine »

Hi Kathy,
I think your second design is working better in terms of colors and imagery than your first. I think your nav is very cool with the spray paint background on the text and your more casual display font under Yale matches the squiggly lines in the image. That pale color as your header background works much better than the light blue-ish color you have in your first design. I think it isn't working as well when the shield is on it as the light pale color in your second design.

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Re: Project 3 Preliminary

Post by Hamistani »

Hello Kathy,
Great job on recreating this terrible website! I really like your first design. It is very eye appealing. I like the colors you chose and the black boxes that go around the navigation buttons. I also like how you managed to show a piece of art on the home page. You made your homepage look like a book cover, and I really like it. I would make the image smaller to fit between your navigation bar and footer because it looks a little out place being that big. Other than that small change, it looks great!
- Heather Amistani
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Re: Project 3 Preliminary

Post by ItsAllisxn »

Hi Kathy,

Great job on this redesign! This is much easier to look at and to navigate. I'm personally drawn to your second layout. I love the imagery you picked and how it's divided. I especially like the homepage and how it looks on the web vs mobile. I have a small suggestion on the layout for your web homepage. Right now it kinda looks like it was meant to be 50/50 with the text and image, but with closer inspection it doesn't look like it is. I'd suggest either working with a two-thirds composition, or working on making it 50/50. Good work! I'm excited to see your final.
Allison Hartmann - Kachow 8-)
