
This is an archive subforum of the previous version of Project Three. This is for inspiration only. DO NOT POST YOUR PROJECT THREES HERE.
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Re: Project03

Post by rmepinero »

Haya Jordi,

I’m really enjoying how your site is developing. Other than the stuff you already mentioned, I would say just resize some of your navigation. Otherwise, your theme and fonts and colors all really work well together and your layout is just really fun.
Rowena Piñero
"My vibe is like, hey you could probably pour soup in my lap and I'll apologize to you."

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Re: Project03

Post by it's_crysta »

Hi Jordi, I think your site is looking really cool. I like the background image and the font choices. Great work!
it's Crysta (Clark)

i feel like i'm on neopets again

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Re: Project03

Post by sal_baraj »

I really like the fonts you used here, they keep the theme of webpage together. I also really like the yellow but I feel like a red, blue or green would really make it pop a lot more and keep the theme together. well done!

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Re: Project03

Post by gavin_clouser »

Wow!. This has such a retro feel and brings me back to being a kid at the video store. Its really cool. good job you should be proud.

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Re: Project03

Post by IzzyB »

Hi Jordi,

Your website turned out great, some point I'd like to make is about the font choice, for your main header at the top, I think maybe you should've used the same font instead of the other one you used for your navibars at the top and bottom to help keep it consistent. Also your top navigation bar is overlapping with the title of the website, minor formatting issue. Other than that great job and continue to great work, I loved the placements of the imaged and how your website was organized!
Isabelle Bento (the person with the basic anime girl hair cut) UwU
