Project 4 Preliminary Critique

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Project 4 Preliminary Critique

Post by kendall_the_mann »

Hey everyone!

Here are the two designs I landed on! I went more simple for my first just because that's what I'm comfortable with coding-wise as a beginner, and then the second design is just a little more difficult. I really like how both turned out though! I think the simplicity works in certain areas, and surprisingly working with TMCC's green as an accent color isn't too bad.

Obviously I went the jokey route with my inner instructor page lol I hope you get some laughs out of it. I'm excited to share my other instructors as well as my other pages for the final!

Hope you all enjoy and please tell me what I could fix! Can't wait to see how everyone tackled this :D
-Kendall Mann

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Re: Project 4 Preliminary Critique

Post by kmohara5190 »

Hi Kendall,
I like the first design’s main page, but then I like the seconds page’s Instructors page. I think if you put those together it would look really good. I would also add a border behind the images so the they stand out. Good job!
Kierann O'Hara

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Re: Project 4 Preliminary Critique

Post by it's_crysta »

Hi Kendall, I like that you used copious amount of the green in your pages, black stands out nicely against it. I also like that you included our mascot! I think your more simple designs work the best. I don't think the one with the triangle work the very well. Good work!
it's Crysta (Clark)

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Re: Project 4 Preliminary Critique

Post by Krueckl »

Both of your concepts are great. I especially like the second one. I like the way the page is sliced across. There are a lot of shapes going on but I think that's ok. It makes it interesting to look at. The colors you used also work well together as they are the TMCC colors. I like that you used the tmcc logo in two different corners. It really emphasizes the TMCC theme. I also like that you added the little geko on the bottom left. It adds a nice touch to the TMCC theme. I think that the font used is clean and easy to read as well. The transparency of the background picture is perfect. The navigation is easy to read as well. Nice job.

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Re: Project 4 Preliminary Critique

Post by jacklyn_yamine »

Hi Kendall,
These are both good layouts and I really like your use of imagery and the TMCC colors. I am a bit confused on which design goes together but I will say that I like your designs that use a big background image with a white filter on top so that info can be read. The page with the info in the triangle is very cool but since all the info is left aligned, instead of centering the page title info, I would right align that so that there is a more even balance to the page. I like the way you've laid out the info in both the header/nav and footer of all your designs. While I too like that you are using the mascot, I think there might be a few too many of him on the front page of your first design. Also, is there a reason that you chose to keep things center aligned for the blocks of text in the desktop version, but off center in the mobile? I would try to keep it one way or the other, but I do think the mobile version is more visually appealing, rather than having the text be aligned and the mascot sort of just hanging out on the edge of each one.

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Re: Project 4 Preliminary Critique

Post by Instructor »

Oh nice! You've got some interesting thoughts here, Heather. You clearly had too much fun with the instructor bios, which I always appreciate.

I like your second design a little better. I think it's the geometry of that home page. That bodycopy triangle is strong and attracts the eye both to the bodycopy and to the image. Also, your header and footer act as such good framing devices and have good contrast even with all the green. Your bodycopy is well chosen too. A clean sans-serif establishes a modern, forward look. I like your large image area too. You've got a good starter image in for the homepage, a nice overview of campus. You have good margins throughout this thing as well. Everything's got room to breathe. Your navigation is easy to see and use. I like the gecko as a little accent. He adds just a tocuh of whimsy to a clean, modern design. And you don't over use him like you did on your first design. Just a nice little touch.

I'd recommend using the white TMCC logo instead of the green one in your black header and footer. It contrasts better and reduces the amount of TMCC green needed. Instead of trying to cram your image all into the right triangle on your homepage, how about making your left triangle a little bit transparent and running the image underneath it? Something slightly more opaque than the background on your inner pages. That would add more visual interest and you wouldn't have to cram so much image in. Maybe try different background images for each inner page, too. Images that show design and creativity. Shrink your nav slightly so that "Certificates/Degrees" is on one line like the rest of your buttons.

Good effort!
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Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Project 4 Preliminary Critique

Post by Hamistani »

Hello Kendall,
I really like your second design! I enjoy how the triangle leads one's eyes to the image and the title and then the body copy. I think it has a great hierarchy. I think the fonts you chose are strong for this design. I like how you used the TMCC lizard in your layout. I would use the white TMCC logo, and I would only use the logo in the footer. Then, I would make the navigation buttons bigger. Great job!
- Heather Amistani
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Re: Project 4 Preliminary Critique

Post by ItsAllisxn »

GIRL THE INSTRUCTOR PAGES :lol: . I may have felt the typography part a little too hard. Anyways haha, I'm really diggin your first layout! I love how you alternated colors with the boxes I think that's super cool. I also think the lizard placements are super cute! The footer also looks super nice. I think maybe using the navigation from your second layout would work well with your first composition. Great job!
Allison Hartmann - Kachow 8-)

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Re: Project 4 Preliminary Critique

Post by Mal-Festio »

Hello Kendall,

Both look great. I think I prefer the second one more, the black navigation stands out really well with the green and the background imagery. I think maybe use a bolder font for the title and instructors name.
Jordi Cruz Trujillo

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Re: Project 4 Preliminary Critique

Post by rmepinero »

Hi Kendall,

I really like your second set. I like how you’re using the triangle to create separation. And I like how you’ve used a green background with that image. Not sure what other fixes I have for you, other than the “Program Overview” is getting a bit lost in your background maybe you can use that same greenish background? Otherwise, all looks strong!
Rowena Piñero
"My vibe is like, hey you could probably pour soup in my lap and I'll apologize to you."
