
Post links to your Project Three websites for discussion and feedback.
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Post by gavin_clouser »

For project04 I wanted to make the new site simple and make the home page only display the most essential information. I still will tweak things before creating the site and its final form and design.
tmcc_website02Artboard 1.jpg
tmcc_websiteArtboard 4.jpg
tmcc_websiteArtboard 3.jpg
tmcc_website02Artboard 2.jpg
tmcc_websiteArtboard 2.jpg
tmcc_websiteArtboard 1.jpg
tmcc_website02Artboard 4.jpg
tmcc_website02Artboard 3.jpg

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Re: project04

Post by Anayik »

Hi Gaving,

I really like your second concept...I like the headline you chose. It's very attention-grabbing and the imagery behind it is nice and bright. It's a little difficult to view your buttons at the bottom of your home page as they get a little lost in the background images...maybe you could try a bolder font or making the overlays more opaque?
Kiana Bohm

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Re: project04

Post by kmohara5190 »

Hi Gavin,
I really like your second design, it is easy to read and the layout works well. I think that if you lighter up the main image or parts of the design it would look more inviting. Great job!
Kierann O'Hara

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Re: project04

Post by it's_crysta »

Hi Gavin, You picked some nice pictures but I think there's a problem with having text cover up peoples faces and for the long blocks of text I think it would be nice to add some more color in there so it's not just black and white. You sites look easy to use and I like the general layout for all your roughs. Good work!
it's Crysta (Clark)

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Re: project04

Post by Krueckl »

Hi Gavin,
I like your second design the best because it is easier to read. The navigation on the side with the black background is clear and I can read all the words. I also like that you added a box on the bottom with the green background because that is also very easy to read and adds a different element because you have all of the other pictures. I like that you used many pictures as well. The button in the apply to tmcc box and meet the instructors box are a little bit hard to read because there is no background to them. I like your overall layout though. Looks good!

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Re: project04

Post by jacklyn_yamine »

Hi Gavin,
I love your use of a good strong grid layout in both of your designs. I like the first one over the second but would like to see more TMCC green within the first design like you use it in the second. I would also darken/brighten the image filters so that the text can be easier to read.

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Re: project04

Post by Hamistani »

Hello Gavin,
I love your second design! The fonts you chose are strong, it looks professional, and something you did really well is use imagery. The information on the inside slides is easy to read. The white on the images is hard to read, so I would change it to a darker color. I would also use accent colors in your design. I like the idea of not using the pea green, but more color would add more contrast. Great job!
- Heather Amistani
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Re: project04

Post by Instructor »

I like where your going here, Gavin. Both of these designs are super clean Bauhaus grids. I like your first one just a touch more. I think it uses contrast better.

I like your vertical symmetry on this one. The design really tells a story with it's images. You've got a campus introduction photograph and then sub photos of students doing creative things and having fun. Really top notch image selection here. I'm glad you used the white TMCC logo in your header. It looks so much better than the green one and really helps bring out your contrast. Nice job with your typography as well. You too one font and used different weights to establish hierarchy. A good look. The shift between the pictorial home page and the informational inner pages is a little jarring, but they are cleanly laid out and present their information well. I especially like your use of alignment in your bodycopy area. The bodycopy and headline share left and right alignments and it really locks them in together. Your header makes for a great common element too. Your main navigation is easy to see and use.

I'd steal the large, bold headline form your second design. I'd also recommend either tinting or shading your smaller bottom images to make the text on them stand out more. Right now it's getting a bit lost in the image details. Maybe make one of the boxes the TMCC pea green like you did on your second one.

Nice work!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: project04

Post by Mal-Festio »

Hello Gavin,

Both concepts uses the imagery very nicely. I think the first one works best because the layout looks amazing. In some of your boxes, it hard to read the text like on the courses section.
Jordi Cruz Trujillo

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Re: project04

Post by kendall_the_mann »

Hi Gavin!

I think I like your second design better, the green box accent is really cool and helps to get the website to pop off the page. I also like the layout. I think the inner page design of your first one though goes with the second design best, especially with how you used the same color scheme and imagery. Great job!
-Kendall Mann
