Project 3 Preliminary - Alax Vong

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Project 3 Preliminary - Alax Vong

Post by Alaxvong »

I would like to incorporate more imagery for both roughs, but that will definitely come when I start building.

First set of roughs

Second set of roughs

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Re: Project 3 Preliminary - Alax Vong

Post by thusers »

both are well done. the first one i my favorite. very easy to navigate. good job, man.

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Re: Project 3 Preliminary - Alax Vong

Post by sktlz1965 »

You got kind oif LOST in all the posts, hopefully my comment will bring it back to the top...I randomly found yours down around the bottom of the forum! :-)

Anyway, as much as the first one is more your style and flair, and is easy ti nav...Im leaning towards the second one mainly because of that cool edgy, graphic shape at the top, its kinda throwing it off balance a little but in a unique and interesting way that I think with a little more tweaking could do something rally cool. Both are great ideas those, and very modern!

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Re: Project 3 Preliminary - Alax Vong

Post by R3YNO »

Both Designs are equally strong, I would go for the second design since the navigation would be better suited since you need 3-5 pages.

However I also Like the texture work you have pulled off.
Ether way you will be going in a positive direction

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Re: Project 3 Preliminary - Alax Vong

Post by TommieGuy »

Both are really strong. I can't choose.
They do a great job of being 'just enough' to communicate the message that we are a serious program. They are not trendy, which is nice.
I think any pictures you use will have the ability to really make it shine. The structure won't compete with the pictures.
Good job!

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Re: Project 3 Preliminary - Alax Vong

Post by Instructor »

Hmmm. I much prefer the clean geometry of the first one over the 60's kitsch of the second one. I like the clean lines, easy to use navigation, high-contrast (I'm a sucker for high contrast) and large presentation area on the first as well. That rollover button in particular is very strong.

I would highly recommend justifying your type though. You have all this tight geometry of your design and the rough edge of a left aligned paragraph just grates.

I think what's really going to make or break this design though, is the images you choose. Pick carefully. Because the rest of your design is so clean and geometric and unobtrusive, your pics will jump out at the user and automatically become the strongest elements on the page.

Good luck and good work!
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Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Project 3 Preliminary - Alax Vong

Post by JohnLemieux »

I prefer your first design over your second. Your second just seems too plain with a lot of open space. I'm sure if Dan looked at it he would be telling you fill that space. Your navigation on the first page is simple and easy to navigate through the various pages. I would add some more imagery for the site, depict more of the GRC program through more than just words.

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Re: Project 3 Preliminary - Alax Vong

Post by mike_check »

Clean as always, first design is strong with navigation being the easiest.

I like the textured background and the implied lines.

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