Fashionably late, like a slacker.

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Re: Fashionably late, like a slacker.

Post by cheyanne »

Was professors spelled wrong on purpose?
I get the whole sarcastic approach and it's funny to current students but I feel like these designs kinda miss the mark as far as appealing to the intended audience... It's almost confusing. Part of me just wants to be like "lolololololol ya do it bro" just for the sake of it.

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Re: Fashionably late, like a slacker.

Post by sktlz1965 »

Yea, i was kinda lost in the concept, but I can kind of see it, I guess...I as a designer in the GRC program would not be drawn to the PROGRAM as a WHOLE with this...I'm just being honest. here...hope that's ok...It reminds me of going to the library and using their old systems to look up books, idk...I think you should focus on ATTRACTING new designers, not make fun so much of the program, (if that was your intent)...Maybe clarify for us so we know what you are trying to showcase with this design and why you chose it, it might help spur some better crits...right now it just not my fav.
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Re: Fashionably late, like a slacker.

Post by R3YNO »

The headline doesn't match the over all theme of the site, I would use ether the same 8bit font for your body or find an alternate font that goes similar.
The 80s themed OS is kind of a popular web theme over the years seeing what they did well may help strengthen your design. The guy photo is bothering me, I would convert the photos to gray scale and place a color layer in photoshop to make it monochromatic which would hold true to the operating systems of the day.

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Re: Fashionably late, like a slacker.

Post by Instructor »

I believe the term is "fashionably late". ;)

An interesting direction to go in, to be sure. I'm not particularly seeing "graphic design" in either concept. The folks we're trying to attract are aesthetes and artists so you'll want to include something in the design that will attract artists. Of your two designs, I like the second one a little better. I think if you want to go 80's computer with it, I'd look more into NES style video game graphics than DOS operating system. I'd also have clearer images grafted in. Maybe to keep up the off balance theme you've got going on, make these images look taped to the monitor like they were spliced into an 80's video game after the fact. Look at some of the sprite designers out there for inspiration.

Good luck, sir.
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Re: Fashionably late, like a slacker.

Post by JohnLemieux »

I think the main page could use a bit more imagery. Since this site is for GRC you will want to capture the GRC feel to it. The retro look is cool if not a bit ironic as we use the latest in computer software so it adds to a look for the program. But right now I just don't really see GRC yet for the site.

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Re: Fashionably late, like a slacker.

Post by mike_check »

Very interesting concepts, maybe the second one if you were to go with these.

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Re: Fashionably late, like a slacker.

Post by Mr_nonoffensive »

Lots of negative feed back here. I thought the 80's style computer was a fun idea that would be challenging, for me.

Let me just level with you guys. If I really wanted to 'properly represent' this program it would be a big cock ejaculating in to a brain or maybe a censor bar because of all the times I've had the professors tell me I couldn't go forward with my idea because it was 'too offensive'.

So yeah, the stuff you guys see from me is toned down, sorry. Take it up with the professors, not me. Tell you what. I'll redo the roughs and make the most boring standard website ever. You know, strip all creativity and uniqueness out of it- hell, it would much easier for me anyways. The new roughs will be posted tomorrow.

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Re: Fashionably late, like a slacker.

Post by Mr_nonoffensive »

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Re: Fashionably late, like a slacker.

Post by artgalstyle »

Liking your second prelims much better. They are still a bit plain; hopefully you will add some other graphics or photos to jazz it up. Like the colors. Very fun!

