prelim project3

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Re: prelim project3

Post by R3YNO »

Looks good Trisa, the mono chromatic scheme is working well. Unless your second rough is drastically better I would go with this one.

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Re: prelim project3

Post by TommieGuy »

It's really well put-together. I like the photograph background. And I like the colors. The navigation buttons are close to being a little large.. try a smaller version and see if you like it.

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Re: prelim project3

Post by Instructor »

Ooof! Two really strong ones here. Both are very eye catching and slick. One seems more fun and the other is more business like. Hmmm, a tough choice.

I would say your second one beats out your first by a nose. It's a little cleaner and much easier to navigate. I like the use of a grey design with splashes of color where you want the eye to settle (content photographs, navigation, etc.). The navigation is strong and easy to follow and I like the use of Reno photographs as background elements. It really anchors the thing geographically without it seeming small.

I'm not keen on the right aligned type on your inner page, though. I think it'd do better with justified type. That would help the geometry of your design and make the bodycopy a little easier to read. Also watch the distance between your text and your images.

Otherwise, excellent work!
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Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: prelim project3

Post by JohnLemieux »

It's a hard choice to be sure. The first one is bright and colorful and just screams creativity while the second screams more of professional design. Both can work equally well though if I were pressed to make a decision I would go with the more professional looking one.

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Re: prelim project3

Post by mike_check »

Both are pretty interesting, I think the second design would be best. The first one might be a bit too busy with the colors and the header.

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