Jenny Snaza Preliminary P3

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Re: Jenny Snaza Preliminary P3

Post by Instructor »

I prefer your first one as well. I think the gradient on the second one makes it look a little dirty, like it needs to be pressure washed.

Your first design, on the other hand, is clean without being boring and easy to navigate without having giant buttons pressed against the users face. I think the collage on the front page really helps establish the level of creativity in the program. I like the vertical bars on your inner page as well. It's a design that is very cutting edge and that you're starting to see more and more of in webs design. I would like to see those vertical strips moved closer together so that they create a tighter, more unified shape.

Also, you're going to have to experiment with your bodycopy one the inner pages a bit. I'd recommend using justified blocks to offset your colorful content blocks. But do play with a couple of type layouts to see how they work. I just don't want to see you clutter this very clean design with lots of type.

Good work.
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Jenny Snaza Preliminary P3

Post by JohnLemieux »

I definitely like the first design over the second. The imagery is much more design oriented and overall it screams Graphic Communication. The font you choose will be a deciding factor. You will want something just as playful and visually interesting while at the same time still being legible.

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Re: Jenny Snaza Preliminary P3

Post by mike_check »

I agree with everyone else that the first design is the strongest.
I like the tmcc and how the m plays with the social media buttons.

I think part of the objective was to have the TMCC logo in the same spot on every page, which will also help with unifying the design.

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