Project 3 Preliminary!

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Project 3 Preliminary!

Post by TheDrewster »

Sorry for the wait, I had a brain lapse and completely forgot to post this on the correct date. Anyways, here is my idea for the GRC page. The sticky notes will be the navigation buttons. I made it alllll by myself :D
Screen Shot 2012-04-18 at 3.58.36 PM.png
Screen Shot 2012-04-18 at 3.58.22 PM.png

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Re: Project 3 Preliminary!

Post by cheyanne »

This concept is really cool and unique but how on earth would you do this with html instead of slices? Is it humanly possible? ;-;

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Re: Project 3 Preliminary!

Post by sktlz1965 »

Yea the whole html stuff could be interesting, but you still technically use "slices" its just images cut them out of the PSD doc and then make the same siz DIV in Dreamweaver and place it has either a background or foreground image...that's how I built my last site. Idk I think it could work. I like the idea a lot....try adding more color though, maybe some cool "pins" or pictures or something.
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Re: Project 3 Preliminary!

Post by R3YNO »

I agree some elements may be a pain to to in html but you good pal Zoidburg is here to help! Oh wait I meant Chris and the forums :P. I know that CSS3 can rotate div tags, so for say the note book page I would try and make a div with that as the back ground and rotate the div to the proper angle. similar method can be used on teh photo elements.
Like I mentioned in class the photo stick notes would be cool if they where sketches and when you rolled over them to reveal photos.

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Re: Project 3 Preliminary!

Post by TommieGuy »

After reading Chris' explanation of rotated div's I'm thinking you should def do this. It's a great idea. I'd like to be able to do more stuff like this in the future. And someone mentioned a couple of items to add color. I think that's definitely needed.
Good luck!

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Re: Project 3 Preliminary!

Post by deni »

I like this idea a lot. I was just looking at some drawings on line that a guy did of his desk. Maybe along with color, you could add some random images . . . like those hidden object images? Just a thought. Good job, I look forward to seeing the finished page.


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Re: Project 3 Preliminary!

Post by Instructor »

Ooooh, a corkboard.

A fun design, sir. And yes, it's perfectly doable in HTML. I'll just require lots and lots (and lots!) of positioning tweaks. Make your images rotated in Photoshop and put them in square div tags that will support the rotated images.

As for the design itself, I think you're going to have a lot of "fun" picking out the right type, balancing readability and legibility on something that's ostensibly supposed to be handwritten should be a hoot. Images should be relatively easy to introduce to this design as well. Just thumb tack 'em to the board.

Fun idea!
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Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Project 3 Preliminary!

Post by JohnLemieux »

Adding the push pins would definitely give it a lot more interest. The idea is pretty cool but it'll take a lot of work to pull off. THe result though will look great.

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Re: Project 3 Preliminary!

Post by mike_check »

Great concept, other elements you include could bring it out a lot more, I like the pin ideas others have brought up. Good luck building the site, hope it turns out.

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Re: Project 3 Preliminary!

Post by artgalstyle »

I love it too. Can't wait to see it completed. You could really have fun with this. I'm wishing I could change mine now. LOL

