Tommie Guy Proj3 Site

Post links to your Project Three websites for discussion and feedback.
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Tommie Guy Proj3 Site

Post by TommieGuy »

The link to project 3 is on my proj1 site under 'Projects'. I have had to wait awhile for my 2nd icon (Proj3 icon) to become active. Maybe it's just tonight since everyone is uploading? ... index.html

To link directly to the site: ... /index.htm

I loved the class and seeing everyones' sites. Good luck guys!

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Re: Tommie Guy Proj3 Site

Post by artgalstyle »

This is amazing! Blows me away. Love the way your top bar chages as you move over the small thumbs. Love all your graphics and navigation is great. Visually it is amazing! Awesome Job!


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Re: Tommie Guy Proj3 Site

Post by TheDrewster »

I love the colors and theme. The only minor issue I see is sometimes the blue type clashes with the swirly patterns on the white background, but otherwise it looks great!

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Re: Tommie Guy Proj3 Site

Post by R3YNO »

Looks great Tommy! Great banner and color choices.

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Re: Tommie Guy Proj3 Site

Post by Alaxvong »

A great representation of a graphics program. It's obvious what this web site's about with plenty of content to support the imagery. I like the featured portfolio. It's cool seeing what you can potentially learn from this program.

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Re: Tommie Guy Proj3 Site

Post by angelraiders »

You did a lot of things really well. I like your colors they work really well together and give it a fun artsy feel. Your header and the changing pictures is a really cool idea. You did a great job.

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Re: Tommie Guy Proj3 Site

Post by sktlz1965 »

I love how fun, and whimsical this is! I want to stay on the site and keep looking! It's laid back, relaxed, and fun! What it should be!

"Design is simply thinking made visual"

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Re: Tommie Guy Proj3 Site

Post by deni »

Ditto what everyone else said. I really like the rollovers and the colors. Great job!

