Project 04 Prelim

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Project 04 Prelim

Post by Brooke_Brown »

This is my Prelim for Project 04
web_v1.jpg (11.92 MiB) Viewed 72600 times
web_v2.jpg (8.98 MiB) Viewed 72600 times
Brooke Brown

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Re: Project 04 Prelim

Post by chloecutter »

Hi Brooke! These are both awesome in their own ways, it's a close tie but I'm leaning toward the solid green version because of the legibility and contrast! They both look so professional and easy for a student to navigate.

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Re: Project 04 Prelim

Post by onnimelon »

I love the font choices in these! That navigational menu looks great in the one inside the green boxes. Very clean. I really like those designs best! The only thing is that it might be too text heavy but it's all lorem so it's a super small thing.
alexandra buyck :D

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Re: Project 04 Prelim

Post by Giselle »

Hi Brooke!
I love your first design! The navigation is easy to find, and the layout is organized well. I love the fonts you chose and how stylish but legible they are! My only suggestion is to change the green to a darker green; it is very vibrant and makes it hard to read the white type. Aside from that, it looks ready to build! :D
Giselle Sanchez

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Re: Project 04 Prelim

Post by LMisher »

Hello Brooke!

You gave us a lot of nice drafts to view and they were all nice. My favorite was the Certificates and Degrees version. Very cool. I like the fonts and colors chosen for this design. Good job and I can't wait to see how it all comes together!
Warm Regards,

LaTara Misher :D

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Re: Project 04 Prelim

Post by Natuwu »

Hi Brooke!
I really like all of the layouts you created! Each one looks unique. Personally, I think that your first design is easier to read and the color scheme seems a bit more balanced. Overall great job!
-Natalie Meza

Genevieve Dierenga
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Re: Project 04 Prelim

Post by Genevieve Dierenga »

HI, Brooke

I like both of your web designs but I think I like the one with the gradient more. One thing I do suggest is to change your font for the navigation it is kind of hard to read.

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Re: Project 04 Prelim


Hi Brooke,

Both of your designs are well designed. I really the tab idea on the first one and how clean and simple on the second design. Really want to see your final.
Kawinthra Chongsuksantikul

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Re: Project 04 Prelim

Post by Instructor »

Oh, I like your first design, Brooke. I think it's the way everything breaks out of the center column.

The center column establishes a rules set and then you gleefully break out of it. But you establish new sides beyond the center column by having the breakouts stop at the same right and left edges. It's so fun. I especially like the way your header image breaks out right away. Draws the eye to it. And your header reinforces it. Your logo and type stretch out to the width of the image. I also like the way your center column ends behind your image. Makes it look like it's waterfalling down from behind the header. That little side menu that pops out the left looks great too. Great images choices for each one of the pages. I appreciate the changing images page by page. They serve to visually remind the users of the changing topics. Your black tab navigation uses contrast so well against the white and green background and is sure easy to see and presumably use.

Everything seems way too tight though. I think the whole thing could use more margin and padding throughout, especially your left menu and your "College Catalog" aside and the left and right margins on your white center column.

Not bad!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Project 04 Prelim

Post by CedarM »

Hey Brooke,
Great job on your designs! I really like the second version, I think having the imagery in the background creates better contrast that the bright green background.
- Cedar Moosmuller
