Project 3 Final! Chris Quantrell

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Project 3 Final! Chris Quantrell

Post by R3YNO »

Here is le link: ... index.html
Also updated project 1 to have a link and page for project 3

And as an added bonus I have a link to a hilarious web comic on web design so enjoy!
Last edited by R3YNO on Sat May 12, 2012 11:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Project 3 Final!

Post by Alaxvong »

Solid design. I like your infograph and gallery page. The memes were a funny touch.

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Re: Project 3 Final!

Post by TommieGuy »

Great design, particularly like the layout of the faculty page. and I enjoyed the line about Michael one-upping Wells and Dan's beards.

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Re: Project 3 Final! Chris Quantrell

Post by angelraiders »

I like your subtle textured background. I also like the info graphics looking page that puts the information in a easier way to understand.

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Re: Project 3 Final! Chris Quantrell

Post by artgalstyle »

Wow, really love the class list page. So unique and fun. Great gallery page and your navigation is great. Love the way you use your art on your pages. Well done!


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Re: Project 3 Final! Chris Quantrell

Post by sktlz1965 »

Not sure If I posted something on yours yet, im kinda lost in all the post! I like this, It's def you! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE you class list page, that is such a cool idea! very effective, and fun at the same time, not boring dull endless pages of info like some of mine are!

Great semester! See you in the fall!


BTW, thanks for putting some of my work up!
"Design is simply thinking made visual"

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Re: Project 3 Final! Chris Quantrell

Post by deni »

Wow Chris! great design. I like that you chose to show different students' work in the gallery page. The colors work well and as I have said before I like your drawings!~

