Project 3 Final

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Project 3 Final

Post by m_pfaff »

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Re: Project 3 Final

Post by TommieGuy »

You totally got a real LOL moment from me on that student art gallery! And Dan's bio!
I love the cover design. No doubt you will see comments about the green, but I like it.
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Re: Project 3 Final

Post by R3YNO »

Looks good Matt, great color scheme and typography.

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Re: Project 3 Final

Post by angelraiders »

The angle of the home page may be a bit too severe. I would also have some elements that are really important be straight and not diagonal just so you don't have to tilt your head. I like the monochromatic green it really ties everything together and is something new.

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Re: Project 3 Final

Post by artgalstyle »

I had a challenge with everything at an angle. Maybe only the buttons at an angle. The continuity of the colors and images went well together. Only saw one bio on the instructors. Was there more. Navigation was great.


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Re: Project 3 Final

Post by sktlz1965 »

I like its overall design, and scheme but would have to agree that angle was throwing me off, it kinda hurt my head, lol i dont mind angles just not such harsh ones....Love the Gallery! Wish all of us could actually take credit for those!

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Re: Project 3 Final

Post by deni »

I really like the colors and the pic you chose for Dan's bio - really funny! I like the way the inner pages are straight and kind of flip from the main page. I would have to agree about the angle. Although I like angles, yours is a bit too angled. great job!

