Project One Preliminary Critique

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Project One Preliminary Critique

Post by Luke_Nelson »

Hello, Luke here! Today I am presenting my four roughs for Project One. I wanted to make a layout that resembled a more traditional website and one that resembled a real thing, like a sketchbook. The traditional website's design represents me by incorporating a few of my favorite colors, namely blue and purple, along with a more clean and modern aesthetic to represent the professional work I one day hope to host on a site like this. The sketchbook website represents a more fun loving side of me, along with a main interest and passion of mine. The bold colors and stylized text reminded me of the music and culture of the 60's and 70's. I have always loved the music from that period, so I wanted to represent it in my website. The sketchbook represents my love for drawing and my passion for animation as a medium. I hope I can figure out a way to make it look like the book opens and turns pages as you navigate the site. I don't know how hard that will be, but I wanna give it a try!

Inspirational Websites:
I found this website inspiring because of how stylized yet real they make the animated elements of their website look. This site has a old fashioned, yet professional and fun atmosphere that I hope to capture some of in my site.
I found this site inspirational because of how large the pictures are and how simple the site is, while still being interesting. I want to show off my art in a similar way on my site. I especially like how this site shows the whole image and then goes closer to show finer details.
Fun (.jpg
Untitled design.jpg
Luke Dakota Nelson

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Re: Project One Preliminary Critique

Post by Instructor »

Oh I'm ALL about that skeuomorphic notebook design, Luke.

I especially like your name text. It looks like something from a concert poster or an album cover. Very bold. Very eye catching. The question mark placeholder for your headshot is great as well. I like all the little details you've included in here; your tape above your headshot, the post-it note navigation buttons, the notebook as background for your content, etc. Nice work adapting the design to mobile as well just by rotating the notebook. Everything feels so gungy, but so obviously cartoony. Reminds me of a lot of alt-comics from the 80s and 90s. You've chosen yourself a good color palette as well. It goes a long way to reinforcing the alt-comic look. Like something out of The Maxx. Great contrast too.

I'd recommend centering your headshot pic along the bottom of your name text. Watch your margin on the bottom of your bodycopy, and try using a little less bold version of that font for your bodycopy and see if that retains the same punch. Right now it's a touch shouty.

Nice work!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Project One Preliminary Critique

Post by Lhart »

Hi luke,

The info you gave was well thought out and helped me understand better.

Personally, the notebook is wayyy more interesting. It has more of a future on how you could animate or explore the book, while the first layout is more flat and modern as you said.

The notebook is an Idea in my head while the first layout is like a blend of all your hobbies without a concise idea.

the notebook is awesome
- Liam Hartman :mrgreen:

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Re: Project One Preliminary Critique

Post by david_wolstenholm »

Hi Luke,
I definitely like your second design better, I just like the whole notebook theme. It's big, bold, and just reaches out and grabs your attention. The first design is just a little too weak in attention-getting. And I agree with the instructor about your body copy text, maybe a little less bold. All in All, a great job on this project.
David Wolstenholm

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Re: Project One Preliminary Critique

Post by rebekah_stevenson »

Hi Luke,

Nice designs! The colors in the first one seem a little out of place. Maybe use the colors in your photo as a reference for your background colors but play with the light and darks of those colors. Great picture and great font.
The second one is a very cool concept. Everything has a place and it is easy to navigate. I really like the font you used for your name.

Great job,

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Re: Project One Preliminary Critique

Post by shasta_the_masta »

I think the second one is more interesting and fun. However, the left side and the right side of the screen look like two completely different designs. I would say to incorporate that same yellow color from your name into the notebook somewhere and make it a little more cohesive. For your placeholder/headshot, I think you could move it to the left a little and/or angle it a little bit to add some interest.
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Re: Project One Preliminary Critique

Post by TylerOath »

A well used gradient is right up my alley! and the pink and blue are cool on the first design... but that notebook is really dope. Your eye really follows from the big words to the notebook. I think if you made that your menu, leading people to the next page with a notebook texture like youve just zoomed in on the book would be sick!

It really gives a lot of cool personality and quirk to your page. nice job
William Tyler Michel

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Re: Project One Preliminary Critique

Post by Perchy »

Hi Luke!

I love both of your designs! I’m particularly fond of the second one and your use of colors against the black, it makes them really pop! I do feel the notebook is a bit out of place but it’s also really cute and I love the concept!

Have a good evening!
Percy Ames

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Re: Project One Preliminary Critique

Post by bumblebre »

Hi Luke!

I personally enjoy the notebook design the best! But you're missing an image. You could have it in place of the sticky note with the question mark.
For your first design, I think the Work and Fun texts in the mobile version should be the same as the computer version.
Overall, your designs are fun and personal to you!

Thank you for sharing!
~~Breanna Lumsden

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