Project01 Prelim

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Project01 Prelim

Post by rebekah_stevenson »

Hi everyone!
Here are my designs for project 1. I am excited to hear your feedback :)

Below are the websites that inspired me. I liked them because they were simple, and clean but inviting and beautiful. I wanted to go for a minimalistic approach and these sites helped me get there.

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Re: Project01 Prelim

Post by Lhart »

Hi Rebekah!

Both layouts are very well done!

I like the first, with the large lavender!

It is a pretty photo, but with the desaturated image it acts as whitespace. Keeping the same everything else, I think moving your paragraph over that photo would bring your design to the next level.

super well done!
- Liam Hartman :mrgreen:

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Re: Project01 Prelim

Post by david_wolstenholm »

Hi Rebekah,
I think both designs are very well done, but I like the second design better though. You said you are going for the minimalist look and the second design achieves this. the color palette is very well done, the layout is professional-looking without being ostentatious. The headline Font is perfect with the nice contrasting light gray. The only thing I could suggest and maybe I'm wrong, I would use a sans-serif font for the body text and the navigation button text so they will be more readable. Just my opinion.
David Wolstenholm

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Re: Project01 Prelim

Post by luciyote »

Hi Rebekah! I really love your first design, the layout is nice and the lavender gives your site a nice relaxing feeling. My only nitpick is I feel there too many different fonts being used, like the cursive in the links, the title being serif and then the sans serif bio. I think it would be better to stick with two type styles so that it feel more cohesive. Great work, Rebekah!
Lucio Guerrero Image

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Re: Project01 Prelim

Post by Instructor »

I like your first one best, Rebekah. It's a simple, clean layout that does what you need it to.

Your header and footer are doing a good job of framing your content. And your header makes for a great container for your navigation. I actually don't mind the neutral colors. They allow your headshot and photo to stand out in a way they otherwise wouldn't. Your picture adds a lot of visual interest and texture and works well with your colors. The whole color scheme seems to spring from it, in fact. There's enough light and dark to establish good contrast and let the eye find things. Your script type face and your sans-serif typeface work well together. Nice use of margins on a lot of this, especially on the footer and the left column. Your navigation is easy to see and presumably to use.

Watch the bottom margin on your logo. It's getting close to the bottom edge of your top bar. Make sure all your buttons have the same baseline. Right now it looks like two of them are on a different level from the other two. I'd also recommend grouping your navigation buttons a little tighter horizontally. Right now they're kind of each on their own little island. Make sure the type is all the same size in your gray blob buttons. Right now they're all different sizes. Maybe make the gray blob buttons black blob buttons to make 'em stand out a little more from your photo. I'd see what it looks like if you eliminated your serif typeface and swapped in your sans-serif for your blob buttons and your script for your name.

Not bad!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Project01 Prelim

Post by Hana_Mikie »

Hi Rebekah,

I definitely like the first one more because it looks more appealing and organized with monochrome colors~ It's aesthetic and has personality because of the background photo and round buttons so it gives a soft affect! :)
~ Hannah Mikaela Estigoy

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Re: Project01 Prelim

Post by shasta_the_masta »

I love the first two layouts you made, with the lavender image in the back. I love the muted colors because they give a nice, cool aesthetic.
One thing that could be improved is the color of the buttons over the lavender image. The background color of the buttons themselves could be lighter, and the font darker, so they stand out more against the backdrop (or vice versa).
~ Shasta Mori ~

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Re: Project01 Prelim

Post by Luke_Nelson »

Hey Rebekah!

I think I like the first design the most. I like how you have laid out the page. I like the picture you've chosen for the background. For the most part, I like the fonts that you have chosen to use. I think that you may need to narrow your fonts down to just 1 or 2. The cursive font is a little hard to read and doesn't really fit. I think that you may need to reread your body text just to make sure nothing is misspelled.
Luke Dakota Nelson

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Re: Project01 Prelim

Post by Perchy »

Hi Rebekah!

I love your first design! It’s very beautiful and I think you played into the whole lavender thing very well! I do wish the buttons on the mobile version stood out against the picture though, I almost didn’t see them! I’d also try to use the space of your desktop version more and perhaps lower the opacity on the picture on the desktop version so nothing will get lost in it!

Have a good evening!
Percy Ames

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Re: Project01 Prelim

Post by bumblebre »

Hi Rebekah!

I like the color palettes you picked! I especially like your second design and how you translated it into the mobile format.
Both layouts work well! The only thing I would fix for your first design is the color of your buttons, they blend into the lavender image. For both designs, I think your paragraph or "about me" should be a little bit bigger! But, your fonts work well together, and your name's more cursive look makes it stand out!
Both designs are very clean and easy to navigate!

Thank you for sharing!!
~~Breanna Lumsden

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