Project 01 Prelim

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Project 01 Prelim

Post by TylerOath »

Hey guys. Here's my design ideas for my website. I used adobe Illustrator, since it is what I'm most comfortable with. I kept it pretty simple so far... I realize after seeing everyone else's designs, I got a little confused and placed my websites on my page. I'll be sure to fix these things in my final, but to have some input on design and execution would be great!
William Tyler Michel

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Re: Project 01 Prelim

Post by Instructor »

Oooh! I like that first one, Tyler. A single page scroller with transparency. Nice!

You clearly designed mobile first on this one and it's really working for you. I'm a sucker for well-used transparency and this one does a great job with it. In particular, I like the way it uses transparency to show off your jackrabbit icon/logo. That thing is a cool design in and of itself and I like the fact that you've fixed it in the background to draw the eye. I also like your sticky header as well. It lets the page scroll and keeps the navigation available wherever a user might be on the website. Good color choices too. The desert tans and warm browns really pair well with the jackrabbit. Everything reinforces itself. Nice choice on your typography as well. I especially like your decision to pick one font and use different weight of it. Came out nice. Your hamburger navigation is well placed and presumably easy to use.

I think the content could use a little tightening up. It seems a little too far apart/scattered to the winds for my taste. I'd also widen the content box a little on your mobile layout. You have the realestate to do it.

Nice work!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Project 01 Prelim

Post by Lhart »

Hi Tyler!

Your first design shouts much more your personality. I really like the bubbled design and colors.

The second design is very slick, which takes away from its personability. What the second does well though, is it has more and easier to use navigation. I think the first is a bit lacking, or it feels like theres lots of cul de sacs where you have to go back rather than continue onto another page.

Thank you
- Liam Hartman :mrgreen:

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Re: Project 01 Prelim

Post by david_wolstenholm »

Hi Tyler,
I really like both designs but I like the first design better.

I like your color choices in the first design and the bubble inlays. Your Typography is good as well as the symmetry of the layout.
I like the colors and layout of the second design but for me, it just doesn't have the punch of the first design and is not as eye-catching.
What I think could use work is the placement of your links to your other pages, making them more visible. But this is just my opinion, I am not a design expert.
David Wolstenholm

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Re: Project 01 Prelim

Post by rebekah_stevenson »

Hi Tyler,

I really like your first design. It's clean and simple. I like your colors and the contrast between the background colors and the pictures. I like the shapes and the ways you use shapes to create frames in your second design.

Great Job,

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Re: Project 01 Prelim

Post by shasta_the_masta »

I like the colors of the first design and the layout of the second design. I also think that your wonderful rabbit illustration should not be covered up. I think you should bring that rabbit into the foreground of your layout, and you can either:

Leave the background a solid color, or

Add a low-contrast pattern or texture in the background. The pattern can stay still in the background as the rest of your elements scroll over the top of it.
~ Shasta Mori ~

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Re: Project 01 Prelim

Post by Luke_Nelson »

Hey Tyler!

I like both of your concepts, but I think the first one is the one you should continue with. The transparency mixed with what I assume is your logo is a very nice touch. I think the pictures you chose and the way you chose to present them look good and lend themselves well to adding text in the future. I also like the font you chose for your header.

I think the design is a tad simple. Maybe you can add another logo/artwork that you've done to the background so the bunny doesn't seem so lonely. If you want to just do your logo, maybe consider making it bigger and centering it a bit more? Other than that, consider adding more buttons to your home page. The hamburger menu (is that what it's called?) is good but I think your navigation needs a little bit more.
Luke Dakota Nelson

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Re: Project 01 Prelim

Post by Perchy »

Hi Tyler! I love your first design the colors are very fun while not being too much! The overlay is super nice against what I assume is assume is your logo! It’s all very consistent and nice to look at! If you want to use the second design I would definitely go about finding a way to make it more interesting, it’s very clean but misses a distinct look the first one has!

Have a good evening!
Percy Ames

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