Project One Preliminary Critique

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Project One Preliminary Critique

Post by shasta_the_masta »

My website layout is pretty basic and clean, I think. I chose colors that either came from the images I used or were darker and added some contrast. I used typefaces that are pretty legible and not too fancy. I think my designs are friendly and inviting; they have just the right amount of color for me. I think the balance looks good, too.

(I had trouble uploading one of the roughs, so I'm sorry they are not in order).

Sites that inspired me:
I love the pops of color in this website. It has a very nice, balanced layout with gorgeous images of food and some motion graphics, too.
I think the interactive animations are very clever; one that stands out to me is the one you see right when you visit the top of the page; the paragraph tilts slightly as the mouse moves around it. I also love the overall theme of this artist's page, because you can tell she's an illustrator right away.

My informative sites: ... bsite-bio/
~ Shasta Mori ~

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Re: Project One Preliminary Critique

Post by Instructor »

You know, I'm usually a background photo, visual texture kind of dud, but in this case I prefer your first design, Shasta. I like the clean geometry of it. Everything is nicely sectioned.

Along with the clean geometry, another thing it does really well is contrast and Michael loves him some contrast. Because you do it with lighter and darker colors, it's a lot less harsh than true black and white contrast. Your colors are well chosen. They work well with the black and white as well as with the colors in your headshots. The whole composition has a gentile garden vibe, in spite of it's hard geometric cleanliness. I like the light wine header and footer. They function as a great framing device for your content. The green section in the middle nicely subdivides everything and provides a great container for your bodycopy. One bit that I really like is how both of your headshots bust out of the top and bottom of the green container. It adds visual interest. Your fonts work well too. They're all a little delicate in their way which helps with the softness.

I'd make you delicate navigation font one size bolder to stand out just a little better against your header bar. I'd also try left or right justifying your bodycopy to turn it into another design block along with your images and containing tags.

Excellent work!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Project One Preliminary Critique

Post by Lhart »

My favorite of the two is the pink design.

With the webpage, my eye has a very clear movement around the page which gives me places to look.

Your other design is well laid out but im just not sure exactly where to look.

The mobile pink is better too in my opinion, but you could try to add more elements such as flowers or something!

- Liam Hartman :mrgreen:

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Re: Project One Preliminary Critique

Post by david_wolstenholm »

Hi Shasta,
I definitely like the first layout. It is well-sectioned, color-coordinated nicely, professional, and with a little bit of whimsy. However, I think maybe the navigation text could be a little darker with maybe some kind of border around each word. Just a thought.
David Wolstenholm

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Re: Project One Preliminary Critique

Post by Hana_Mikie »

Hi Shasta!

Your first design definitely gives the theme of a personal website showcasing your projects :) I think it's because its geometric shapes and readable font give it a more formal look whereas the second design appears more informal because of the fun fonts and photo background, but it does remind me of tumblr and pinterest because of how aesthetic it looks!
~ Hannah Mikaela Estigoy

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Re: Project One Preliminary Critique

Post by rebekah_stevenson »

Hi Shasta,

These are beautiful designs! I really like your use of shape and hierarchy in the first one. It helps draw the eye into your pictures, name and then focus into your bio. I suggest using a tint of the hue used for the header and footer to brighten the overall look. But using the green as a background for your pictures with pink in, is a great way to use complimentary colors.

Your second design has a very clean sectioned off areas that makes your page easy to read. I like that you used the color from your shirt on the opposite side of the page for your projects. I would suggest making this hue slightly darker so the eye works through the page from right to left and then lands on projects. Right now it's a little hard to know which (your picture and the projects) I should focus on first. I also really like the way you tied the colors from your background picture into the main section of your page.

Great job,

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Re: Project One Preliminary Critique

Post by Luke_Nelson »

Hey Shasta!

I think I prefer your first design, but not by much. The second design is still good, it just looks a little bit more like a pamphlet than a website. The first design has good font choices and a good use of space. The main thing that I would work on is the colors and the layout of your mobile version. Maybe incorporate the background image from design 2 into your first design? Maybe consider replacing that green with a different shade/color.
Luke Dakota Nelson

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Re: Project One Preliminary Critique

Post by m1ggsart »

Hello Shasta

I agree with everyone else your first design works better. Your whole layout is just clean and easy to navigate. You positioned everything nicely and organized. Your color choice is great. You can just make your navigation text a bit bolder, so it gets more noticeable. Overall, your design is great.

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Re: Project One Preliminary Critique

Post by TylerOath »

Looks great Shasta! I love the sort of belt design with your first draft here. The symmetry really scratches and itch for me! the blurred background of the second is nice, but i feel its a bit distracting. Both pages have great personality! but i prefer the first overall.
William Tyler Michel

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Re: Project One Preliminary Critique

Post by Perchy »

Hi Shasta!

I love both of your designs they’re very cute and seem to match the personality you output in your pictures! If anything I’d try to make your header titles a bit bolder, they get a bit lost in the dark pink!

I hope you have a good evening!
Percy Ames

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