Project01 Prelim

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Project01 Prelim

Post by Emily-Hudson »

Hi, friends!

I had tons of fun thinking of ideas for this project, and I'm happy with the direction both of these layouts are turning out. Let me know which one is your favorite! :D :geek:

Websites I found useful for design: Websites that inspired my work:
layouts-03.png (2.71 MiB) Viewed 117 times
layouts-01.png (3.64 MiB) Viewed 117 times
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Re: Project01 Prelim

Post by david_wolstenholm »

Hi Emily,
I like your designs, The first design is color-coordinated very well, and the typography is cool and very eye-catching. The second design I didn't like so much, although your color scheme is correct, for me it is a little too bright and the design seems a little busy for me. Just my opinion, I'm no expert.
David Wolstenholm

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Re: Project01 Prelim

Post by Instructor »

You made these specifically to appeal to the 80s and 90s kid in me, didn't you?

While I like the 1980s alleyway aesthetic (very Ninja Turtles) of your first design, I am ALL about that custom colored Windows 3.1 interface of your second design. Such "vaguely unstable teen girl who has, like, five Geocities pages" vibes. Go with that one and build on it's vague unhingedness.

One of it's real strengths is that, because it's based on blocks, you can reshuffle everything as the aspect ratio of the screens displaying it change. It'll make it relatively easy to set for a variety of device widths. It totally love/hate your colors. They are a true vibrating color combination. Perfectly chosen, vaguely visually offensive. Exactly what a computer in the hands of someone like this would set it to look like. The headline type is perfect as well a proper early-90s system font look. And then you break it up with a more whimsical bodyopy that reminds us that this is all fake and we should just relax. I also like that your headshot is being messed with in MS Paint. Just spot on. Your navigation is easy to see and, presumably, to use.

Watch the margins on your bodycopy and in a couple of spots between your blocks.

Excellent work!
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Project01 Prelim

Post by Lhart »

Hi Emily.

All of the prelims I have seen you do are always extraordinarily well done and this stays with the trend.

You used tonnes of research and explained your ideas well. I like the purplely/blue web layout, but for both, your second design works better.

All I could add is that you might want to bring down the font size of your info paragraph, with more padding on left and right.

Keep going, good work!
- Liam Hartman :mrgreen:

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Re: Project01 Prelim

Post by Alexis_Z »

Hello Emily!
I love both of your designs a ton, I think they are both very unique and striking visually. I love the bubble letter graphic you did of your name for the first one and the color pallette as well! For the second one I also love the color palette you chose because it really catches the eye and meshes well with the overall aesthetic you went for. If i had to pick a favorite I would say the second one because the creativity you displayed really makes it stand out in a great way!
- Alexis Zundell

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Re: Project01 Prelim

Post by rebekah_stevenson »

Hi Emily,

I really like your first design. I like the use of shape and the way you used boxes to outline your resources and projects. I really like the way your name jumps off the page. And I like the use of color. The second design is very bright and fun but slightly overwhelming. I like how you used texture in both of your designs.

Great job,

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Re: Project01 Prelim

Post by shasta_the_masta »

These have really fun themes to them. I like how each one is equally colorful and the fonts and shapes work well together. If I had to choose, I would pick the second one because it is nostalgic and goofy.
One thing to improve: don’t be afraid to make the mobile screen taller in order to make room for all the elements. You can add extra vertical space between your boxes so that way the user can scroll a little bit to see the rest of it.
~ Shasta Mori ~

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Re: Project01 Prelim

Post by Luke_Nelson »

Hey Emily!

I like both of your designs, but I think that the first one is more interesting. I like the colors and fonts that you chose. I think that the main thing you would have to work on is adding navigational buttons to the page somewhere. Both of your designs have an old internet vibe that I am deeply in to. Maybe play around with color a little bit more.
Luke Dakota Nelson

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Re: Project01 Prelim

Post by Perchy »

Hi Emily!

I love your second design! The colors to the aesthetic are super fun and speak to the kind of person you are! I do prefer the colors of the first design but I feel the shapes being cut off is too abrupt and harms the design. The introduction box in the second design feels very off I'd give bigger margins and maybe make the logo smaller so it doesn't feel so crammed together. I love the doodles on your portrait but I feel the color isn't initially noticeable. I'd go for something contrasting against the pink instead.

I love it so far!
Percy Ames

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Re: Project01 Prelim

Post by m1ggsart »

Hello Emily.

Just like everyone else, I like both designs, but I think the first one is better. The layout is very eye catching. The choice of colors is excellent. I really like that logo with the bunny. It matches the whole design. Your website looks organized and easy to navigate. There’s only one thing that I would change on your mobile version. I would place The TMCC logo somewhere else. It seems a little cramped and out of place next to your logo and your name. Other than that, I don’t have anything else to say. Your design is pretty cool, and I’m sure the final versions will be awesome.

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