Project 1 (preliminary) Alexey

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Alexey M
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Project 1 (preliminary) Alexey

Post by Alexey M »

So, for the preliminary my idea is to make my webdesign in kinda "game, pixel" style.
The reason for that is because my hobby is creating and developing small 2d games and old style platformers.
On both screenshots there are different color schemes which may be vary when I ll get closer to my final draft. For right now, colors are bright, which represents gaming style and at the same time I hope they do not disturb viewers eyes.
Logotype also will be there, I ll use the logo that I ve made on 107 class.
I chose typeface "8 bit" and "Pixelate", which represent old games graphics when everything was kinda of awkward.
Thank you.
UPDATE. I added the images which are combined from small screenshots of games that I have made.

Websites which inspired me

Last edited by Alexey M on Wed Feb 13, 2013 10:00 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Alexey Makovskiy

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Re: Project 1 (preliminary) Alexey

Post by jennybreitrick »

Looks really cool Lexe! I like the area for the "plenty of room" one suggestion i could make is i like, maybe you can add one of your characters that you have for the games that you made and make it interact with your name. Good Work though.
jenny breitrick

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Re: Project 1 (preliminary) Alexey

Post by campbell_mckeogh »

just put yourself in the third person and say would I like to visit this site, or that site was easy to navigate yadayadayada,
great work man

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Re: Project 1 (preliminary) Alexey

Post by ekfulton »

Hi Alexey,

Really nice work. I like the colors from "rough 2" and the layout of "rough 1". One comment regarding the "rough 2" layout: the "alexey" logo/your name at the top of the page and the area for the image below it are more or less the same size. I wonder if the items should be resized so that one is larger and one is smaller so that one of the items has the most focus on the page. Either element could be the biggest, it just depends on what you want the first impression of your page to be.
E.K. Fulton | 775-298-1515 mobile

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Re: Project 1 (preliminary) Alexey

Post by donnalouwho »

Hi Alexey,
The layouts are very nice and readable. As stated in class last night, my eye definitely starts at the top, your name and lgo, and flows through the design. As far as they theme, I think you are headed in the right direction. :)
Donna Harn

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Re: Project 1 (preliminary) Alexey

Post by gokudera08 »

Looks Solid alexey though i would have to be able to see the images to really see if they fit it looks good layout wise though.
C.J. Norris. Clark Norris.

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Re: Project 1 (preliminary) Alexey

Post by re8ecca »

I'm really liking the blue/yellow color theme, and I feel like your site gels well. It's a solid overall design. I'd like to see some video game characters though, and it would be really neat if they could overlap multiple frames and tie it all together.
Rebecca Baumann

Justin Hubert
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Re: Project 1 (preliminary) Alexey

Post by Justin Hubert »


I like the color choices in the second post much more than in the first. I think that the way you have your first and last name adds a sense of direction to the viewer as well in the second layout. Looking forward to seeing how far you push it since you are already this far along.

--Justin Hubert
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Re: Project 1 (preliminary) Alexey

Post by mel_nunez »

hello Alexey! both of your roughs are cool! I really like the typefece you used for your name it remind me the nintendo video games.
Jose nunez

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Re: Project 1 (preliminary) Alexey

Post by nunezm »

Hi Alexy,
Both of your layouts are readable and are easy to navigate through. I really like the first rough the color choose and the images used. The typeface makes me feel like I'm in a video game site. COOL! I'm suggestion would be to center the header at the top of the page .
Maria Nunez
