Project 1 Preliminary Critique (Rebecca Baumann)

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Re: Project 1 Preliminary Critique (Rebecca Baumann)

Post by nunezm »

Hi Rebecca,
Awesome Designs! I like them both. But the most eye catching and interesting is the second. The way you did your initials and the overall design is amazing. I wouldn't change any thing! :D
Maria Nunez

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Re: Project 1 Preliminary Critique (Rebecca Baumann)

Post by kvonarx »

Cool concept with the bubble gum bubbles in 3 frames. Excellent use of color and contrast.

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Re: Project 1 Preliminary Critique (Rebecca Baumann)

Post by Juan Vazquez Lopez »

Hi Rebecca,
I like both of your layouts. they are amazing, I can say that the second one talks more about you, It is awesome how you play with this abstract and geometric concept, it mach perfectly with the scheme color that you choose. I like the typeface that you choose although I think all the type looks like the same, I mean, it does not have hierarchy enough (just me) anyways...good job.
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Re: Project 1 Preliminary Critique (Rebecca Baumann)

Post by mel_nunez »

Hi Rebecca !!! Wonderful work both designs are fantastic they are easy to navegate and all the links are organized. Great job Rebecca! :D
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Re: Project 1 Preliminary Critique (Rebecca Baumann)

Post by I'mNicole »

Heya Rebecca.

On the first one, your bubble figures are awesome and eye-catching. I chuckled a little at the end, because doesn't everyone have that same fear a little? Your pinkish/purple accents are well used and I like how you use them to make your sub-headers pop too. I think I'd make them smaller so they don't overwhelm your sub-headers though, and also play around with your font sizes a little. Your all-caps versus regular text is good, but when it comes to font size, it feels like you can't decide what's most important.

On the second, I really enjoy the almost neutral palette you've chosen and the washer-like accents. The shading on your content boxes is excellent and it feels more obvious as to what's important here, though I'd probably make your name a point or two larger. I do like the art you've chosen, because it's interesting and fits well with your color scheme, but how you've tried to make them look like your initials isn't really working for me. I can clearly see the "b," of course, but my eyes have a harder time making out the "r," so maybe try to make it more obvious in the curve. Or I'd be curious to see how you could make it a capital "r."

Personally, I like the second better! And I swear, I keep trying to look at Carrey's site, but it just will not load for me. Grr.
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Re: Project 1 Preliminary Critique (Rebecca Baumann)

Post by ekfulton »

Hi Rebecca ~

I think both designs are very strong each in its own way. On design one, the three bubblegum graphics are a super creative idea. I really like that aspect of your design -- and that element is what first caught my eye when I viewed the page for the first time, which I think is great since the user starts out your page with a funny and creative idea that sort of puts the user at ease, which is a difficult thing to achieve yet you've pulled it off flawlessly. I also really like the P1 P2 P3 idea, and when combined with your use of a brief summary right at the link creates a very effective navigation element that draws attention to those links very effectively. One small thing might be to increase the size of the 'contact' link to be the same size as the 'projects', 'links', and 'about' links. Other than that I feel this design is very cohesive and well thought through.

On design two, which is my favorite, I think the rb logo is one of the coolest I've seen. The design just works so well -- the pattern, the flow of the lines of the logo, and the page placement are all really done right. I also like your typeface choices for this design, very much in tune with the rest of the design. The use of the varying background shades for the content boxes is a nice touch, and the little circles round out the design very nicely. The only suggestion I have here would be to somehow incorporate your picture into the design since that is a project requirement. But since I really like the design the way it is, maybe your photo could be on the contact page so that you meet the requirement but don't compromise the strong design of the current page.

Very nice work. a+
E.K. Fulton | 775-298-1515 mobile

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Re: Project 1 Preliminary Critique (Rebecca Baumann)

Post by Siri »

Rebecca, I have to say I'm really enjoying the playfulness of the first design, though I'm Nicole's suggestion of making them smaller because they are overwhelming the rest of the design at the size they currently are. I'm also loving the additional blurbs and links to info of your project links, I'm tempted to somehow incorporate the idea into my site as well.

I also have to say I love your second design. The patterns and repeating circle motif and subtle color scheme are all working together wonderfully, I'm not sure if I can offer anything else to improve it because it's working so well right now. Right now, I'd say go with whichever one you're feeling more strongly for, because these are both great designs as they are now.
Cristina Sánchez
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Re: Project 1 Preliminary Critique (Rebecca Baumann)

Post by Justin Hubert »

These are both so good I don't know what to write...

•1st Layout: I really like the hand drawn image and the progression of the bubble creates great motion and is a lot of fun. The information and type throughout is so perfect and the black and white with a single color to emphasize is working very successfully. Just a very well put together website design.

•2nd Layout: This design is so cool and so different than the first so thank you for presenting two very different ideas. I like the movement in this design as well, the only thing i might add is that the "GRC 175 Web design and publishing" is losing some of it's hierarchy. I feel that it is there to break up the two separate sections and it needs to be a bit more outstanding. When you do that your name would have to go up in sixe tom eliminate the competition between the two, but I think that it would help.

So good! I'm not going to choose because either one will be great.

•Justin Hubert
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Re: Project 1 Preliminary Critique (Rebecca Baumann)

Post by Dylan »

I love the second one. it has such strong eye movement, and the logo you made for yourself is pretty rad :)
Raymond Dylan Bivens
