Project 1 (preliminary) Alexey

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Re: Project 1 (preliminary) Alexey

Post by mawpe »

Alexey, I really like the border patterns on both designs. I prefer the second color scheme but that is subjective of course. cool logo for your name too. also, where can I see some of your game designs?
Mark Pederson

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Re: Project 1 (preliminary) Alexey

Post by Landsknecht »

Nice job Alexey,

I like both layouts, but site 2 has a better color scheme (in my opinion). The blue background on site 1 is just a little too busy. You have nice typography on both sites, and plenty of space for the rest of your stuff.

Jeremy Winkler
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Re: Project 1 (preliminary) Alexey

Post by Heyyou »


I actually prefer the contrast of the colors of the first layout to the second. I perhaps you want to use darker values of the colors because they could become overpowering after a while. Your layout is energetic and fun.

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Re: Project 1 (preliminary) Alexey

Post by I'mNicole »

Heya Alexey.

On the first one, I do enjoy the style you selected and I like how the header and the footer are aligned to kind of balance each other out. I also really like how you updated with the pictures from your games, although I think it might look more even if you extended that section on both sides to stretch the width of your box, like your header and footer sections do. The colors are also a little intense, even though they're great fun. I also hope you're planning to fill out the entire right side of the "about me" section instead of leaving that giant white space at the bottom, because that makes it seem unbalanced to me.

On the second, I'm a big fan of how pretty much everything lines up on the sides and is even and neat. I like how your pictures seem to overlap a little; it feels like it's trying to convey a sense of excitement to me. I also really like the one line stretching the entire box at the top, and think it might look really cool to include the same thing at the bottom where all of that white space is. The gutter between your two content boxes also seems a little wide to me, when it could be filled up with delicious, delicious copy. The pale yellow of the "GRC etc." line against that pale blue background hurts my eyes a bit too. And it might look more even if you either centered your link box, or stretched it to match the edges on the left and worked on spacing your links.

Personally, I like the second one better!
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Re: Project 1 (preliminary) Alexey

Post by Martin5Ar »

I like your first rough. the choice color is better on this one and more friendly.
Martin Aranda

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Re: Project 1 (preliminary) Alexey

Post by DustDjinn »

I don't know if you have ever seen the TV show code monkeys but your design reminds me of them a lot. I love the color scheme and the style is very clear your newest draft is awesome.
Dustin Hill

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Re: Project 1 (preliminary) Alexey

Post by Siri »

Alexey, I'm definitely liking the way you put together the suggestions you received for the latest update, and though I'm not sure how much good it will do right now I have to say I am liking the original blue and purple design, and am glad that you went that route for your latest update. You really have made it seem more like a personal website with emphasis on 8bit games. My suggestion for your latest one is doing something about your subheaders; while they're not as important as your main header, they do prelude important information and the way they are now, that being having them be the same typeface and roughly the same size as your copy, makes them seem a little out of place compared to the rest. Otherwise you're going in a great direction!
Cristina Sánchez
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Re: Project 1 (preliminary) Alexey

Post by vhg0717 »

I like both designs. They definately remind me of video games. I like the way your layout flows with the design. Great job!
Victor Garcia

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Re: Project 1 (preliminary) Alexey

Post by freem110 »

Im favoring the first layout. The colors chosen really work with your theme. In the plenty of space area perhaps you could do a self portrait of you as a video game character. I think that would be awesome. I like you design well done!
Brian Freeman

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Re: Project 1 (preliminary) Alexey

Post by Justin Hubert »

Void my last post and let's just say that I would like to see the video game one in action...that looks really good. It compliments the typeface and it also is a lot more fun than your previous posts.
Justin Hubert
