Aharon Williams project one preliminary critique

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Re: Aharon Williams project one preliminary critique

Post by Heyyou »

re8ecca wrote:Hi Aharon,

I think both of your layouts work really well. I'm going to say no to layout number two, mainly because that orange reminds me so much of the Stihl (sp?) power saw ad you did in GRC 156.

I think the first layout is really solid. I like how you used the TMCC logo as a watermark, and your navigation is one of the most interesting that I've seen. I don't know that I'd keep it black and white though. It could be really powerful with a monochromatic color scheme.
I didn't even think about the similarity. I guess I'm developing some sort of crush on orange and black layouts with sans serif type. I do like the idea about monochrome. Something I'll have to dabble in.
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Re: Aharon Williams project one preliminary critique

Post by I'mNicole »

Heya Aharon.

On the first one, I like the fonts you chose for your name and headers. The way you put the TMCC logo in the back is great, and your link buttons are, obviously, awesome. One big problem I'm having is that everything seems too separate. It doesn't feel like there's any unity or cohesion to the design because everything's just in its own little space and that's it. The texture in the background is also very busy to me, and though I'm not exactly sure what it is, my brain keeps thinking it's something gross, for some reason, and that really throws me off. Your copy is also a too small size compared to everything else, I think.

On the second, I do like the different sizings of text and how they overlap a little, as it creates depth. You picked a good shade of orange, to where it's not burning my retinas but it's still very orange. And the TMCC in the background is again very well done. I agree that the navigation could use a little work. One thing I'd be interested to see is if you maybe move your picture and paragraph more towards the center, and then have you links in circles spitting out on both sides of it. Also, I think it's a little funny that you have "GRC 175" so much bigger than your name. Wouldn't you want the focus of this page to be on you, not the class?

Personally, I like the second one better!
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Re: Aharon Williams project one preliminary critique

Post by nunezm »

Hi Aharon,

I agree with the others, I like the first layout. I like the idea of using the a graphic based navigation its a unique idea. I also like how you used the TMCC logo as the background image using opacity. One thing I do suggest is to make the "I am me" section a little bigger for me personally is hard me to see the text. Can't wait to see the final product. :D
Maria Nunez

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Re: Aharon Williams project one preliminary critique

Post by ekfulton »

Hi Aharon~

I'm leaning towards design one. I like the handwriting font you've selected and I feel the gray scale colors are effective and impart a classic, almost retro feel. Using true graphic links is an often overlooked design choice and I wholeheartedly support your use of them on your site. They really make you site stand out from others. I'd like to see where you will be putting your picture though.

As for design two, the use of orange is a bold choice, but not overwhelming. The layout, while simple, has a nice cohesive feel to it that is very effective. I don't seem to get lost on your page like I have on some other designs, so thats a positive too.

I am dubious about how you chose to make use of the TMCC logo. While it is required for the project, it doesn't seem to me that the manner in which it is used meets the TMCC logo use guidelines. Here's the link for reference: http://www.tmcc.edu/pio/support/college/brand/.

Otherwise, a nice effort on both designs. Very well done.
E.K. Fulton
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Re: Aharon Williams project one preliminary critique

Post by Siri »

Hey Aharon, when it comes to these layouts I'm going to go with the first one. While the second one has a lot of potential, the way it is right now makes it seem like the lower two thirds are floating because they're spaced so far apart. Maybe try spacing them closer together, because the way you have the elements arranged together actually works quite nicely, so I'm trying to see a way to keep them as they are and move them closer without ruining the feel of the composition. The first one could stand to be filled out a little more, but otherwise I'm really loving the illustration feel to it.
Cristina Sánchez
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Re: Aharon Williams project one preliminary critique

Post by vhg0717 »

Hey Aharon,

I really like the first layout. the contrast between the background and content is very good, even with the TMCC logo. The texture and helps the site to be balanced.

I like the second layout as well, with the exception of the orange. I would play around with a different color scheme, and on your picture, I would add some type of border or outline to make sure it has a feeling that it belongs there and not just floating on the page.
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Re: Aharon Williams project one preliminary critique

Post by freem110 »

I like the first concept best. The Black and white offer great contrast and everything looks tight and orderly. Nice work!
Brian Freeman

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Re: Aharon Williams project one preliminary critique

Post by mel_nunez »

Hola Aharon! I love the first one. The type face matches with the concept you are using. I also like how you use the illustration for the buttons on the layouts. :P
Jose nunez

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Re: Aharon Williams project one preliminary critique

Post by Justin Hubert »


I like the first one the most out of the two. I think it is the texture that is drawing me towards it. I don't know if I am feeling how tucked into the corner your links are though. Maybe pull those a little more central. I also like how you used the TMCC logo in both...very clear but yet due to the opacity they are not over powering to the design. I think that the second one fits the project better, but I am going to have to say that the second one is my favorite.
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Re: Aharon Williams project one preliminary critique

Post by Dylan »

I believe the layout of the second one is stronger, but I don't know about that orange color.
Raymond Dylan Bivens
