Nicole Hicks, Project One Final

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Nicole Hicks, Project One Final

Post by I'mNicole »

Heya everyone.

After careful deliberation, I decided to go with my second rough. I feel that it better meets the guidelines of the assignment because it's more indicative of who I am as a web designer, all sleek and minimal (and because I just really love that picture). I did make some adjustments based on your feedback, particularly by making my name a more prominent headline and increasing the font size a couple of points. I did add just a touch of color to my name too, taking one of the brown colors from the picture and highlighting it. I also tweaked the containers and made them all more uniform boxes with clearly delineated borders, and added some artistic flair in them just because. As I don't foresee any real need for scrolling on this page, I think the overall contained effect will work well. The links will have rollover effects, probably changing to the brown accent color from the picture and my name.

I'm particularly interested to hear any thoughts on the artistic flair in the boxes; I thought it would work well with the grainy texture of the picture, but I'm not sure if it came out as awesome as I'd hoped.
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Nicole Hicks

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Re: Nicole Hicks, Project One Final

Post by re8ecca »

Hi Nicole - I think the framework you've built does a much better job organizing the information than your first concept. I'm having trouble reconciling the fuzziness of your name with the hard white frame running right under it though. It's not working for me there.
Rebecca Baumann

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Re: Nicole Hicks, Project One Final

Post by jennybreitrick »

Your final layout is so great! It looks so clean and very professional and artistic. I really like the whole feeling of your project! Great job!
jenny breitrick

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Alexey M
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Re: Nicole Hicks, Project One Final

Post by Alexey M »

Looks very professional. Like b/w color scheme. Good job
Alexey Makovskiy

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Re: Nicole Hicks, Project One Final

Post by gokudera08 »

I really like it generally its hard to use that much negative space effectively but i think you have done it good work.
C.J. Norris. Clark Norris.

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Re: Nicole Hicks, Project One Final

Post by OliviasMama12 »

Hi Nicole- well great job! I love the black and white because it definitely serves your minimalistic style well. Also I think it really works well with your imagery- the sharp contrast makes it very bold and my eye is very easily drawn to it. My question is, will there be any content in the large black space to the left?
Nicole Medrano
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Re: Nicole Hicks, Project One Final

Post by mawpe »

awesome bio! your site is very mysterious with the contrast and the ssshhh gesture, like I have no idea what I am going to see if I click on it. (which makes me want to)
Mark Pederson

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Re: Nicole Hicks, Project One Final

Post by donnalouwho »

Hi Nicole!

Looks really great. Very sort of abstract and artistic. I agree with Rebecca about your name. A bit sharper would be great! Nice work. :)
Donna Harn

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Re: Nicole Hicks, Project One Final

Post by Martin5Ar »

This design is different compared to the rest. Most of them use balance in their designs, and your's its unbalanced and has too much negative space. Your graphics work very well against the black background and it has a feeling of mystery in it. However, I'd like to see your graphics and content bigger than it is right now. Overall it looks very professional and I like it very much. :)
Martin Aranda

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Re: Nicole Hicks, Project One Final

Post by nunezm »

Hi Nicole,
Your final design turned out great. Its much more organized and easy to navigate through. I'm really liking it :)
Maria Nunez
