mark pederson first roughs project two

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Re: mark pederson first roughs project two

Post by nunezm »

Hi Mark,
Wonderful designs! I'm leading towards the second one its clean and it professional ! :)
Maria Nunez

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Re: mark pederson first roughs project two

Post by Martin5Ar »

Nice work! I really like both of your designs but if I had to choose that would be number 2. It has nice colors and elements such as dogs that interact very well within your design.
Martin Aranda

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Re: mark pederson first roughs project two

Post by DustDjinn »

I'm digging the second layout the texture really make it pop.
Dustin Hill

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Re: mark pederson first roughs project two

Post by Landsknecht »

Ok, I'm going to agree with a bunch of the others... Great work, nice designs. I like the first one more, but agree that some other doggie bits need to show in the bubbles.
Jeremy Winkler
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Re: mark pederson first roughs project two

Post by mel_nunez »

hi Mark!! nice concepts i can see lots of improvmets you did.. i tend to like both layouts i like how you used graphic imagery and texture at the same time!!good job mark..
Jose nunez

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Re: mark pederson first roughs project two

Post by I'mNicole »

Heya Mark.

I think your use of color in the first one is great, especially the orange in your dividing lines that fade out. I like how you're presenting and containing your copy too, even though I'm a little curious as to what'll happen if you need to scroll. I'm not a big fan of how some links are in the bubbles and some are lined up on the left; I think it would be better to be either or. I also think you want to keep the name of the company on every page and have that page's title as a subheader under it.

I like your textured dogs on the second and again, your color scheme is very pleasing to the eye. The overall design feels a little simple to me though; I want a footer or just some more information on the page than what I'm seeing. The dog cutout towards the bottom feels like it could be super intrusive on any copy you put in there too.

Personally, I like the first better.
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Re: mark pederson first roughs project two

Post by Dylan »

I like your second design better, but only really because I cant tell what the brown image is in the first design.
Raymond Dylan Bivens

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Re: mark pederson first roughs project two

Post by freem110 »

I like the second design but I am getting color vibrations because the complementary colors are right next to one another. Perhaps tinting one of the colors would help, great layouts though very fun!
Brian Freeman
