Nicole Hicks, Project Two Preliminary

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Re: Nicole Hicks, Project Two Preliminary

Post by DustDjinn »

I'm digging number two but you should totally use a second color to make it pop! Great job
Dustin Hill

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Re: Nicole Hicks, Project Two Preliminary

Post by Landsknecht »

I like both of your layouts, but I'm agreeing with the majority and voting for layout #2. It has more "pop" than layout #1.
Jeremy Winkler
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Re: Nicole Hicks, Project Two Preliminary

Post by mel_nunez »

hey Nicole!! `i like the second layout.. the image of the horse is a really strong element that attracts attention and it also expresses what you page is about.. nice job .
Jose nunez

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Re: Nicole Hicks, Project Two Preliminary

Post by Dylan »

I think the horse imagery in the second design is stronger. I also like the monotone blues as opposed to the orange and blue.
Raymond Dylan Bivens

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Re: Nicole Hicks, Project Two Preliminary

Post by freem110 »

The second design is best, I enjoy the diagonal background. I feel that using a few warmer colors would help improve the enegry of the design. Great work!
Brian Freeman
