and on to project 3! (jenny breitrick)

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and on to project 3! (jenny breitrick)

Post by jennybreitrick »

Now that I have gotten though the week of H. E. double hockey sticks, of html and div tagging. I’m starting to feel much more comfortable about this whole web thing. I never felt that I was talented at Photoshop or any of the CSS software…I like to draw- and computers are very new to me. But it is interesting to see that I tend to have the same feel to all of my websites…but they are slowly getting better with every horrible one I get out of my system…so with that being said- here are my two ideas…In the first one I had this shadow puppet idea…because when I think of graphics I think of having a clever imagination. So puppets to me symbolize that to me. The second idea was having odd images of animals and humans interacting together. I think it gives the feeling of abstraction and oddness…which is something that one in this field is required to have. Then I got to thinking and I really like the feel and look of both layouts and I think I can make them both work together. I think imagery is #1 in this program…so the images that I use better be awesome!
layout 1 a
layout 1 a
layout 1 b
layout 1 b
layout 2 a
layout 2 a
layout 2 b
layout 2 b
jenny breitrick

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Re: and on to project 3! (jenny breitrick)

Post by I'mNicole »

Heya Jenny.

Wow, the homepage of your first design is just stupendous. So elegant and eye-catching and overall lovely. I really like the overall sepia tone you've got going on that design too, and that's a great quote from Wilder. I think it'd be super neat if you actually had a new quote on each page though, to kind of spread the love of GC from different sources. I think you could do something more interesting with the headers in your inner pages too, instead of just in a low-opacity container like you've got.

Your second design definitely has that odd angle you were going for, but to me, it's just a little too odd and seems a little too off-topic, almost. Those huge background images are great and fun to look at, but I think they might also make it harder to organize your content.
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Juan Vazquez Lopez
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Re: and on to project 3! (jenny breitrick)

Post by Juan Vazquez Lopez »

Hello Jenny,
Your layouts are so amazing, I like them both, they look very artistic and professional, good job,
Well i like the second better, to me is more interesting looking, I can wait to see how it works.
Juan Vazquez Lopez

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Re: and on to project 3! (jenny breitrick)

Post by re8ecca »

Hi Jenny - You are thinking WAY outside the box here, and it makes your roughs rather compelling. I'd say go with whichever concept you personally like best, but I will say that they're both somewhat dark and moody. I'd look into ways of adding more color, or bright pops of color to enliven it.
Rebecca Baumann

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Re: and on to project 3! (jenny breitrick)

Post by mawpe »

these are both fascinating to look at. you have a great personal style. the first one appeals to me more as a college course website
Mark Pederson

Justin Hubert
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Re: and on to project 3! (jenny breitrick)

Post by Justin Hubert »

I like both of these and you could go with either one, but I think I like the first one more. I don't really like the photo covered on the second page though. Nothing really stands out. Gonna be a good one.
Justin Hubert

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Re: and on to project 3! (jenny breitrick)

Post by donnalouwho »

HI there,

Cool images in both your roughs. A bit off the subject of education but very artsy and interesting to look at. I like the oragami bird in the first one but the type seems a bit dark without much contrast. I think you have a fascinating personal style!
Donna Harn

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Re: and on to project 3! (jenny breitrick)

Post by Siri »


While I do like how creative your roughs are, and there's no doubt that the first one especially is beautiful, they look more like a personal or art degree page than something for graphic design. Rearrange the home page so you can include a short summary or blurb of what the program is and what it offers, since its positioning can greatly help with helping the overall composition come together more and make it more unified. Go with the first one and see where it takes you.
Cristina Sánchez
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Re: and on to project 3! (jenny breitrick)

Post by DustDjinn »

jenny these are beautiful!
Dustin Hill

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Re: and on to project 3! (jenny breitrick)

Post by nunezm »

Hi Jenny,
Both of your roughs are amazing and original!! I'm leading more towards the first layout I love how you used the origami bird as the vocal point. A few things I would I suggest is using a brighter color for the background and for text to be white or another bright color. Other then that good job.
Maria Nunez
