Uphill Battle all the way!!!

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Uphill Battle all the way!!!

Post by Landsknecht »

I have been struggling with the ideas for this project for several days, then realizing it was due before all my other classes, fought my way through 4 pages of photoshop ideas.

This is my first set, a TMCC green gradient background with "folders" of information to present. The tabs move forward to present the information inside.
overview of layout idea 1
overview of layout idea 1
The ever important class list...
The ever important class list...
My second set is a simple background with buttons representing the tools we've used to complete our projects.
overview of page layout 2
overview of page layout 2
list of classes for layout 2 :)
list of classes for layout 2 :)
Thanks for looking.
Jeremy Winkler
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Juan Vazquez Lopez
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Re: Uphill Battle all the way!!!

Post by Juan Vazquez Lopez »

I like the second one, I think it looks more interesting because the famous green is like not good for background, well is just me, I do not like this ugly green.
Juan Vazquez Lopez

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Re: Uphill Battle all the way!!!

Post by re8ecca »

I have favorite elements from both concepts, so what I'm proposing is a frankenstein-design. I like the masthead from the first set, but I also like how you placed TMCC along the side in the second set. I think it's a mistake to try to make every menu option different. It just looks cluttered and overwhelming. Simplify the navigation menu, and put some of that type treatment and imagery in your content area to liven it up.
Rebecca Baumann

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Re: Uphill Battle all the way!!!

Post by mawpe »

I really like the stacked paper effect and the folder concept of your first design. the second one has some cool looking nav buttons
Mark Pederson

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Re: Uphill Battle all the way!!!

Post by donnalouwho »

i like the texture and the large TMCC along the side of the second design but i really like the colors in the first one! good luck, we're almost done!
Donna Harn

Justin Hubert
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Re: Uphill Battle all the way!!!

Post by Justin Hubert »

I like the graphic communications type in the top one, but I like the TMCC logo on the bottom one. Can you fit them both into one?
Justin Hubert

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Re: Uphill Battle all the way!!!

Post by DustDjinn »

Try layout one, use the TMCC green on the folder and use a different color on the background.
Dustin Hill

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Re: Uphill Battle all the way!!! (you can DO it!)

Post by jennybreitrick »

I am lovin your page layout of both of these roughs! I love the navigation bars and the page layout…I would do something that ties in differently in the background colors of both of these, and by Joe you got something amazing! Great job!
jenny breitrick

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Re: Uphill Battle all the way!!!

Post by I'mNicole »

Heya Jeremy.

I think I'm leading towards the first one. It's simple and easy to navigate and I like the stacked paper background of your content. I'd almost prefer a more interesting and engaging header image than just the TMCC landscape though; really make it POP that it's for the GRC department!
"The world is full of ignorant people who don't know what you have just found out." - Unknown

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Re: Uphill Battle all the way!!!

Post by nunezm »

Hi Jeremy,
I'm leading more towards the second layout its unique and I like the colors being used. I personally don't like links to be different. Maybe try using the links from the first layout. Can't wait to see the finally product. Great Job!!
Maria Nunez
