Project 2 Final-ly

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Re: Project 2 Final-ly

Post by Heyyou »


Nice color scheme for both layouts. The body copy gets a little crazy in your project two, but I turned out to be a nice overall design. Nice Job.

Oh stewardess, I speak jive

Aharon Williams

Posts: 66
Joined: Mon Jan 28, 2013 8:34 pm

Re: Project 2 Final-ly

Post by mel_nunez »

Hola Martin!! even thought you struggle you did an amazing job the sec on page looks very professional i like how al the elements are wiring together .. excellent job.
Jose nunez

Justin Hubert
Posts: 91
Joined: Mon Jan 28, 2013 7:01 pm

Re: Project 2 Final-ly

Post by Justin Hubert »

Your sites are so visually interesting and they step away from traditional web design which I respect. The blue on your project 2 is a little intense but the images you used are awesome!
Justin Hubert
