Justin Hubert Project #3 Critique 1

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Re: Justin Hubert Project #3 Critique 1

Post by campbell_mckeogh »

the second one seems more fun

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Re: Justin Hubert Project #3 Critique 1

Post by OliviasMama12 »

Hi Justin-

I definitely like the second one more. That round graphic with the arrows pointing everywhere is a pretty cool concept.

Nicole Medrano
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Re: Justin Hubert Project #3 Critique 1

Post by freem110 »

I love the home page of the first layout, and the gallery of the second. Nice clean designs!
Brian Freeman

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Re: Justin Hubert Project #3 Critique 1

Post by Siri »

Hey Justin,

I think you should combine the home page of the first layout with the content page of the second layout, as I think they would compliment each other very well and it wouldn't be too difficult to match them up since you're using similar colour schemes in both layouts. You'll probably still need an area for general description and bodycopy, but I like what you have shown us so far!
Cristina Sánchez
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Re: Justin Hubert Project #3 Critique 1

Post by Heyyou »


I prefer the focal point of the second layout's home page over the first page's. Perhaps changing the center "GRC" on the page to green would help give it some color. The overall design of both of them work well for me and they would both make very good sites.

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Re: Justin Hubert Project #3 Critique 1

Post by Landsknecht »

I like your choice of colors, and I think both layouts will work well. The final choice is up to you (I like the first design a little more).
Jeremy Winkler
Quotes found on the internet are not always accurate - Abraham Lincoln
