last project for 175

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last project for 175

Post by mel_nunez »

hello there !! here is the link to project 3 :D ... index.html

and this is the link to project 1 :lol:

Thanks everyone! I really enjoyed GRC 175
Good lock everybody!
Jose nunez

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Re: last project for 175

Post by I'mNicole »

Heya Jose.

Title your pages! And look at you, getting that JavaScript in there. Nicely done! Very dynamic and visually appealing. For me, between the JavaScript and those insanely image-heavy backgrounds, it's a little too busy. My attention keeps wandering and I'm not even looking at your content. I'm also seeing a couple of places where your content isn't lining up within their containing bubbles, which would be a big problem if that content ever needs to change or grow. Also, I keep seeing a little sideways bar with "scroll" on it, and I just don't know why.
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Re: last project for 175

Post by re8ecca »

Hi Jose - I give you props for doing animation. I found your pages to be interesting, and although there's a lot of chaos, I found plenty of structure as well. I think it's cool that you're trying different things, and it makes your work unique.
Rebecca Baumann

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Re: last project for 175

Post by Heyyou »


I like the bright and bold colors. The animation shows you are thinking about advanced concepts. Turned out very well.

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Aharon Williams

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Re: last project for 175

Post by nunezm »

Hi Jose,
Your site is very interesting to look at. I like animation and the gallery page. Every nice on the use of color. Great job!!
Maria Nunez

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Re: last project for 175

Post by donnalouwho »

Very dynamic and eye-catching! Love the imagery you chose. Nicely done!
Donna Harn

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Re: last project for 175

Post by jennybreitrick »

your webpage is off the charts in amazingness! Fantastic job-
jenny breitrick
