Project #2

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Project #2

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Hi guys,
Here is the link for my project 2: ... index.html

I remade the website for obexers marina: with a connecting inner page for the obexers lodge.
-Warren Asher-

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Re: Project #2

Post by ravennvrmre »

Both look great. But on the technical side, I can only see the marina, lodging page for Obexers and then the mapquest (nice touch by the way) were their other pages to look at? (I think we were supposed to have five pages for project 2)Also the lodging page goes to a different set up which is cool but then I can’t seem to get back to the main page (the home takes you back to project1, was that intentional?) Great work though, love the pictures you chose.
Vicki Miller

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Re: Project #2

Post by papasmurf124 »

Well done on the Marina Page. I think you have improved the layout substantially.
On your page the text in the text box bleeds out is that what is supposed to happen?
Robert Freudenthaler

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Re: Project #2

Post by natsukigrc175 »

Your websites turned out nicely! I like how you used big pictures as background and they are high res. There is no contrast issue though its hard to use images as background. Nice job!
Natsuki Tonuma

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Re: Project #2

Post by Instructor »

Not bad, Warren. Not bad at all.

The photographic backgrounds are working very well. They really take me there and give me a sense of the place. I love the warmth and woodsy feel they add to the composition. The header and footer work very well as framing devices to help paint a picture. Your navigation is easy to use and follow and your dropdown are working quite nicely. The sky blue really works with your Tahoe photo backgrounds. I like the bold type you used in your footer and for your bodycopy link. It really stands out. I'd have used it for your navigation and title as well. I was initially a little leery of white type on a photo background, but your photos were well chosen; I have no trouble following your body copy text that's sitting on top of them.

I don't particularly care for the different sized bullet points. They create a weird emphasis in your bodycopy. I'm not font of the underlines on your page headlines either. It makes 'em look like links. I think they would have been better served by making them super bold like you did with your links. I think the default link blue clashes with your design as well. A nice <a> tag style would fix that.Also, I only see two pages plus a MapQuest link. There were supposed to be five.

Nice effort.
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." — Chuck Close

Michael Ganschow-Green - GRC 175 Instructor | 673-8200 ext.5-2173

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Re: Project #2

Post by japanese_panda »

You put nice background image on the back, you have a broken problem with some link and css system.
anyway Nice work Warren!
Yoshiki Katabami

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Re: Project #2

Post by j.alexis93 »

These turned out pretty well. I like the simplicity, it makes it easy to navigate through. I think the font that you used for your redesigned website on the preliminary was working a little better.
