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Re: project 1 rough

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 12:25 pm
by kj923
I like your use of lines in your design. Though, I would suggest playing with your font colors, as it’s a bit hard to read.

Re: project 1 rough

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 1:55 pm
by emilyduke
Hey Veronica!

I think the idea of the faded type in the background is unique, the colors are little confusing to me though.

Re: project 1 rough

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 1:03 pm
by Jaime Ramey
Hi Veronica,
I really like the bright colors that you used. :)

Re: project 1 rough

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 1:15 pm
by Jones
I like the font you chose and the way you used line to frame your body type.

The purple as the back ground is full of pizzazz, perhaps explore some less vibrant colors?

Re: project 1 rough

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 1:02 pm
by Instructor
A good set of roughs you have in your two posts, Veronica. I'd say this one this the stronger of the two. I think it uses it's complimentary color scheme very well. I like the touch of black to add a little contrast and extra visual interest. They also act as "eye guides" to move the eye through the composition and highlight important elements like the navigation. Your background pattern does a great job of adding visual interest without interfering with your type (something your other design suffers from). This is just the right amount of screening. Perfectly balanced. Typographically, I think your typeface is very well chosen. It's a warm serif type that adds a little bit of artsy geometry to it that does a good job of adding a little extra fun to your layout.

BTW, I concur with you, I think you could stand to enlarge the bodycopy. I suspect it's so small because the original art file is 300 dpi. It should get better once you build the thing as an HTML file for Project 2. I think you could add a little margin at the top and bottom of your navigation. The black bars seem a little too close visually. I'm not sure how a column of images will "read" on a phone. You may want to look at either alternating them side to side, text-wrapped into your bodycopy, or putting a break or two in your bodycopy and run them in as rows.

Nicely done! I look forward to your final design.

Re: project 1 rough

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 1:19 pm
by jason_hosier
Hey Ronnie, great design. I love your use of typography and color. Are the pics also your ref links? thats the only thing im unsure of. i think you could teach us all a thing or two. lol.

Re: project 1 rough

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:24 pm
by Stasiavous
Hi Ronnie! I love how you have displayed your artwork. You are very talented. I have to say that the combination of purple and yellow that you used made my eyes hurt a little! It's very bright. I would play around with the transparency a bit. I'm loving the layout too! :D

Re: project 1 rough

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 1:14 pm
by themeg98
Your layouts are very good, the only thing I can see that need improvement would be your color choices. The purple and yellow do compliment each other but you either need to deepen the purple or the yellow since both hues are very close in saturation and your type is somewhat hard to read.

Re: project 1 rough

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 4:26 pm
by raton de biblioteca
Hello again!

I think the layout on this one is better than the other design! The color contrast could be better like the other ones you have, but I like the clean alignments and type choices on this one.



Re: project 1 rough

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 5:28 pm
by giusti56
Hi, I like the color contrast on your designs and how it is very bright and catches my eye. I like the lines and composition of the design, but I think some spacing in between some objects might help it breathe a little.