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Re: Rough roughs for judgment

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 6:41 pm
by Jackal
Hi Tandy!

I agree and I like the darker color scheme, the photo you chose is really pretty in the third mobile layout and I'd love to see that in a desktop version. One thing though, is that your type looks very squished in the area you put it in, I would recommend playing with the leading and kerning so everything has some more room to breathe.

Re: Rough roughs for judgment

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 11:01 am
by jason_hosier
I think the second two are better but they are intense and give a horror show vibe. If thats your intention then very good but otherwise, maybe tone down the heavy emphasis on blacks and bright reds. Look cool, keep rocking Tandy.

Re: Rough roughs for judgment

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 11:08 am
by giusti56
Hey Tandy, I like both the mobile designs and think they work well. I like the first web design and the bright color in it.

Re: Rough roughs for judgment

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 3:35 pm
by kj923
I like your mobile designs best! The one without red text, I like that layout a little bit more, but you could totally add some red in there for that pop you’re looking for! Maybe don’t make the text red itself, but rather use red accents in the line work.

Hope I could help!

Re: Rough roughs for judgment

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 4:26 pm
by hiitsyuri24
Hi! My favorite one is third one. However, you can edit or find different images I think. Great job!

Re: Rough roughs for judgment

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 5:06 pm
by Stasiavous
Hi T!

I like the third option! Make sure your photos are of a high enough resolution though!

Re: Rough roughs for judgment

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 6:05 pm
by emilyduke
Hi, I like the third design the best! The grey colors match the trees really well. I would agree with the others suggesting to make sure the images are high quality.

Re: Rough roughs for judgment

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 9:14 pm
by evexhouses
I absolutely LOVE the third version!! Make that into a web version too and it would be awesome!! Great job!

Re: Rough roughs for judgment

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 11:26 pm
by clawson
I like the version with the trees best. The photo with red in it is hard to make out. The other versions have an spooky feel.

Re: Rough roughs for judgment

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:55 am
by Instructor
I'd say the strongest of these is "mobilerough2wo.jpg". However, it's computer layout has almost nothing in common with it and is blue(?). For your final one make sure the computer version and the mobile version have at least some commonality.

Your "mobilerough2wo.jpg" layout makes great use on contrast and accent colors. It proceeds from light to dark as you read down from the top, which I think works extremely well. Your main image is well chosen. It works with your high contrast design while adding a bit of natural warmth to everything. The image also establishes a feeling of foreboding mystery to your design. Your choice not to use color except for your footer images is a strong choice. It makes the little splashes of color in your smaller images really stand out. Typographically, it's really working too. I like your choice of font for your name and the navigation buttons and your more normal serif type for the bodycopy makes it feel like an old letter, which is good when you are going for foreboding mystery. Your nav buttons are large and easy to find and use. I like your black footer as a place for other images, almost like a little showroom.

Don't squish your smaller images. Pick a height you want for them and crop them so they are all the same height. Don't crunch them. Make sure your top image is the same width as your content boxes. Watch your margin between your title and your bodycopy. It's way too tight right now. I'd recommend shrinking your class information 3 or 4 font sizes and making "GRC 175, Web Design and Publishing I" one line. That will give you room to establish good margins between itself the bodycopy and itself and the bottom of your gray bodycopy box. If you only have two nav buttons, I'd recommend grouping them closer together and centering your group at the bottom.

A good start, Tandy.