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Re: proj. 1

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 5:22 pm
by hiitsyuri24
Hi Rachel!
I really like your third one! The image is really cool. I would suggest that move your name or change color of it because it is kinda difficult to read in some designs.

Re: proj. 1

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 12:25 am
by kayla.pressburger
I'm loving the music theme in your designs! I also really like the little design elements you added in your first design. You might consider playing around with your type and color scheme a bit more!

Re: proj. 1

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 1:33 pm
by jason_hosier
Hi, great theme there is alot of great elements here but the visual weight needs to guide the eye through the design better. good visual elements and type. :)

Re: proj. 1

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 3:45 pm
by kj923
I like your little pops of color! It works well with the different instruments in a subtle way! I would make your social media icons a lot smaller though and maybe keep them along the left, right or bottom sides of your layouts :)

Re: proj. 1

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:44 am
by clawson
I like mobile 1; I like the clarinet with sheet music. Mobile 2 seems a little plan. I like web 1 the images are great, the blue box seems out of place; perhaps a lighter shade or keep with the rest of the page color scheme.

Re: proj. 1

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:36 am
by Instructor
You've got yourself a couple of good, clean layouts here. I like the first one better. It's proximity ties things together. Plus the endless wormhole of music image on it's computer layout is hypnotizing.

Both the computer and mobile layouts have great icon based navigation. The icons are well chosen and labeled with text so they don't succumb to "mystery meat" syndrome. you even called out your navigation with a bit of blue on your computer design. As mentioned, your proximity is great. Everything ties together nicely and is not fragmented. Your image choices are quite good. They speak to your passions and help us understand who you are without even reading your bio text. Plus, that wormhole of music image is just cool. Your use of color as an accent to call out visually important things in your layout works really well too. It quickly trains your users to expect something interesting whenever they see color, which is a good expectation to set. Overall, a very clean layout that does it's job pretty well.

I like the splash of blue in your computer layout. I'd make the bottom nav blue in your mobile layout to better tie the two together. Make your name the same color and boldness on your computer layout as you did on your phone layout. Right now the lack of commonality pulls them apart a bit. Scoot your bodycopy slightly over to the left on both your computer and mobile layouts. That will center it in the space on your computer layout and lock it in to the left edge of the "o" in "Cao" along with giving you a bit more right margin. Switch the font on your class information to the same sans-serif you used for your bodycopy and navigation. It doesn't visually work well with the rest of your text.

A good start. I like where you are going!

Re: proj. 1

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 10:05 am
by themeg98
I really like the images you used and the layouts are clean and legible. On your second desktop layout your name can be a little bigger and maybe tweak the color in order for it to pop. It is your site after all. Your use of angles and simple shapes compliment the simplicity of your designs.

Re: proj. 1

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 12:15 pm
by agostina_renau
I can see the photo of the microphone as the background of your site. make it big, make it explode!

Re: proj. 1

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 4:04 pm
by Big_DaDdy
The second one has awesome images! awesome concept just needs some hierarchy control.

Re: proj. 1

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 5:43 pm
by giusti56
Hello, I like all the designs, but the on I like the best is the second from the bottom. I like the twirling feel to it. I think maybe some different font choices could help though.