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Re: project I Roughs

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 3:54 pm
by Stasiavous
I'm having a hard time choosing my favorite. I love your typography work and the colors you chose - they are my favorites. But the sunflower design speaks to my need for simplicity. I think you could use a more expressive typeface with the sunflower if you wanted to add more interest!

Re: project I Roughs

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 12:14 am
by kayla.pressburger
I love both of your designs! The typography in the first layout is very well done, and the colors go really nice together! As much as I like your first design, I think your second design works best as a website. The sunflower as a pop of color is so cute!

Re: project I Roughs

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 4:24 pm
by Jackal

I really love your first two, your use of all the different types go well together and your color scheme is so good! I would recommend maybe making your design fuller for the desktop version instead of just placing the shape in the middle, maybe play around with different ways you can fill up the page a little more by positioning your type differently. Nice job!

Re: project I Roughs

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:22 am
by clawson
I like the sunflower design and your choice of font in that design.

Re: project I Roughs

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 10:36 am
by Instructor
Well, Agostina, you're like the third person I've seen so far in this class that has two equally good designs. You get the first world problem of having to choose between the two. Here's my tuppence on each of them.

Your first one is a fun little 1920's carnival sign! Are you selling me snake oil? Usually I'm not a fan of designs that use a ton of typefaces, but it really works with your fun theme. All the typefaces and fonts feel appropriate for the look you're going for. The whole thing reads really well. It definitely tilts quite a bit toward the readability end, but I can still legibly pull information out of it after a moment's close inspection. Your shapes and accents do a good job to nudge the eyeball through your composition. I like your color choices too. They're a good set of split complimentary colors that add to the circus fun time atmosphere. The rounded rectangle on a plain background really makes it look like a sign.

It's narrow enough you can probably get away with keeping it the same width for your mobile and computer design, though you may want to widen your computer version a bit. Maybe use a background image or texture to make it look like a sign hung on a wall or to help expand the fun atmosphere you are building here.

Your second design looks like an art gallery or photographer's website. Very clean and urban artsy. I like the flower as a splash of color in a super clean grayscale design. That flower attracts the eye immediately and helps move it through the design. Great use of contrast in the whole design, both in color and in type size boldness. Your typographic selection on this one is spot on. The bold serif type contrasts well with the thin sans-serif type. I also like the little bit of visual interest you established on you mobile design by having your logo/name bleed over the edge of the container. Perhaps something to add to your computer design? Great photo choice as well. The blurry wet paint background makes for a great textural image and the clouds and edge of the atmosphere image make a great accent image.

The left margin on your computer version could be expanded a bit. Your content seems a little crammed in the top left corner of the content area.

Nicely done! Have fun choosing!

Re: project I Roughs

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 10:55 am
by themeg98
I love the first ones and the typography of them! The colors you chose work well and don't compete too much with the overall design. There you go again making yellow work in your favor for the second one. I think the sunflower is a nice and simple touch to your modern greyscale. The first screams you while the second is more modern and clean. That being said I would definitely go with the first.

Re: project I Roughs

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 3:09 pm
by raton de biblioteca
Hi Agostina,

Both designs are so wonderful and different from each other! The first design has great use of color and type, but I think could add more space to draw the across the whole page. The second design has a great use of enclosure and simplicity. After thinking a bit more I am leaning toward the second one as my favorite of the two, just because I see more possibility of adding to the page in the future.



Re: project I Roughs

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:03 pm
by anayaestevan

I like the second design a lot. Font choice and layout are working well together.

Body copy is a bit small in my opinion. Maybe I would have less blur and spread on the drop shadow below the main box? I think that might help contrast the foreground and background a bit.

Re: project I Roughs

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 3:34 pm
by hiitsyuri24
Hi! My favorite is first one. I love the colors. I would try to find different fonts for sunflowers one. Great job!

Re: project I Roughs

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 4:00 pm
by Big_DaDdy
Weeeeell, let me tell you.
Love the first one, awesome typography. It feels more like a sticker than a website, but it love your art!!!!
The second one is by far my favorite. looks clean and sexy.