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Re: My attempt

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 12:38 am
by kayla.pressburger
I love the art you used in your designs! I prefer the first layout over the second because I think it's a more cohesive design. The font in your body copy seems a bit too thick in comparison to the script font. You may consider changing the fonts around a bit. Overall nice job! (:

Re: My attempt

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 10:56 am
by jason_hosier
Hi Latham, your margins need a little work. super cool use of color and design. One of my favorites so far.

Re: My attempt

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 11:11 am
by giusti56
Hey, I like the first design more and think the solid color background looks good. I like the image in it as well, and my only concern is the script font seemed a little hard to read at first. Overall I like it a lot.

Re: My attempt

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 3:38 pm
by kj923
Awesome artwork! It really strengthens your design! It could blend into your designs better though. Like maybe if your art work didn’t have a white box around it?

Re: My attempt

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:47 am
by clawson
I like the solid blue background best, the design holds together and is eye catching, love the art. Good job

Re: My attempt

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 10:32 am
by themeg98
I know the feeling of being in a creative block so no harm in completely scraping ideas if you have to. I think your design would benefit from some curves. They both seem very blocky. I know it would be a challenge but the watercolor image could be cooler if you knock out the white background and allow some of the sites background to show through.

Re: My attempt

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 2:34 pm
by Instructor
I like your first design better, Latham. It has the better contrast.

The dark blue background immediately stands out. I like the sans-serif typeface your using for your navigation. It's a slightly different look than usual. It makes your navigation easy to find and use. Your mobile layout has very good margins. Everything has a nice amount of room to breathe on that one. Your artwork picture is a fascinating choice. It adds a nice bit of visual interest to your design and makes the whole thing feel slightly cosmic. Like the website is dreaming.

Maybe use some other shape to present the image in, though. It seems a little abrupt just plopped in there on the blue background. I think you should use a lighter font of your serif typeface for the bodycopy. I'm also not sold on your script type. I think it clashes with the geometric layout you have. You need to soften some things in that layout for that font to really work. Right now, it's the same boldness as your buttons and it looks a little samey. Watch the right margin on your bodycopy on your computer layout. It's way too close to the image. Multi-line buttons look a little weird. I'd recommend sizing your buttons so that the longest word or words are all on one line and then sizing the rest of them after that one.

Good effort!

Re: My attempt

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 4:30 pm
by raton de biblioteca
Hi Latham,

The color choice on each of the designs is very artful and pleasing to look at. The favorites I have are the 1st and the 4th ones. The first one has great placement of each element and an improvement point would be the font choice on the 1st design, it is a bit too heavy for the amount of text shown. The reason I like the 4th design more than the other mobile version, is that I really enjoy the "buttons" for each of the links in contrast with the font and the blue/orange colors.



Re: My attempt

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:53 pm
by anayaestevan

I like the first layout the best. Overall layout and the script typeface works well as a headline.

I think the other font choices could be stronger and more expressive. I also might play around with saturation as well as different shades and tints.Colors seem very default. Next revision could be cool.

Re: My attempt

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:54 pm
by Stasiavous
Hi Latham! I like the first design the best. I think your artwork would look amazing with a white background with complimentary buttons. You're on the right track for sure! P.S. Beware of "budgets" - don't sell yourself short! ;-)