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Re: Project III - Prelim Roughs

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2018 9:35 am
by matt

I think that your layout w/ the head and the quote "get into your right mind" is a great design!


Re: Project III - Prelim Roughs

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2018 4:34 pm
by Stasiavous
I'm loving the "Get into your right mind"! So awesome. The design is very cool and appealing as well. Great job!

Re: Project III - Prelim Roughs

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 1:45 pm
by Jackal
Your mobile designs are super neat and I'd like to see those translated into a desktop version!
With the first desktop, I feel like the pineapple doesn't really say "Graphic communications", it is a nice picture though haha!!

Re: Project III - Prelim Roughs

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 3:26 pm
by hiitsyuri24
I like the one with pineapple! I think it is calm and clean, but it is difficult read little bit.

Re: Project III - Prelim Roughs

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 3:44 pm
by Instructor
I like your second design the best. The pineapple is such a bizarre non-sequitur. I think my favorite part is the site title to the left. You've taken what would ordinarily be a header and made it a right column. That reorients the layout and kind of turns the whole thing on it's head. Good for a creative website. And a good use of contrast on that right side. I also like your white and gold colorscheme as well. It gives it a classy feel which is absent from TMCC's usual branding. Your type works pretty well too. I like the font choices. They go well with the TMCC logo. Nice use of margins throughout. Everything has room to breathe. Other than the 162 layers of transparent boxes, everything fits together well from both a branding and layout perspective.

Your design is a little muddy though. I think it's because you use too many stacked semi transparent boxes. It's like your design is covered in a dozen veils, pull them aside. I think the only semi transparent box you need is the one behind your content. I'm not sure you need your navigation where it is. I think turning it into pure text and running it along the top edge like you've done with your site title to the left. I'd also make sure you use bright, colorful, photographs to start student's creative juices flowing. The pineapple is a good start, but make sure you use other images for the inner pages. The painted man in your third design is a good example.

A good start!

Re: Project III - Prelim Roughs

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 6:17 pm
by kj923
I am a huge fan of the soft toned colors you chose! Your design feels very professional! Great work!