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Re: JHosier web prelim 11282018

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 1:15 am
by matt
I dig the later set of designs. It looks clean and well laid out. Looking good! This is a website I'd like to see. everyday. Great work Jason! you rock man

Re: JHosier web prelim 11282018

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 11:52 am
by Jones
You did a great job staying true to the school design style I also saw in the research stage. Its all clean, full of needed info and has great images. Perhaps play with a little white space to give the eye a bit of a break? Well done! Good color choices as well!

Re: JHosier web prelim 11282018

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 3:30 pm
by Jackal
I love the collage banner in the fifth one. I would definitely watch your alignments and maybe find some differing type faces. Your layouts are really strong and organized though, great job.

Re: JHosier web prelim 11282018

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 3:21 pm
by hiitsyuri24
I like the first one. The images you chose were working really well I think.

Re: JHosier web prelim 11282018

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2018 10:08 am
by Instructor
Nice looks Jason. I like your version two a bit better. I think it more decisively breaks with the look and feel of the TMCC website without breaking TMCC's branding.

Your second design does a good job of having a image heavy advertising front end with text heavy informational guts. It uses contrast well. The white background makes for a great artboard to place everything. The purple nav bar is a strong choice as well. I though the purple would clash with the green, black, and white, but it look right at home in the design. Your buttons are easy to see and use. Nice use of visual balance on the homepage. The images are only slightly more dominant, which is appropriate for a home page. Nice image selcetion BTW. They're eye catching and abstract and it works with your design. The ... uh ... "mixed media" on your student gallery page is hilarious. I like the use of the green breadcrumb links below the nav bar. It does a good job of telling us where we are in the site.

I'm not keen on the salmon colored text links. Now that color clashes. I'd recommend making 'em bold and either TMCC lime or navbar purple. Add a little more margin between TMCC, your purple nav bar, and your green breadcrumb links below your nav bar. I think you can get away with dialing your bodycopy down a point or two on the mobile version. I'd also add a point or two of leading to the bodycopy on both your mobile and computer versions. Maybe try p

Good work!

Re: JHosier web prelim 11282018

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 6:25 pm
by kj923
These all look very professional and official!! Some of the type is a little hard to read in your paragraphs but the design itself is perfect! It is similar to the current GAMT website, but way better!!