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Re: Project03-Prelim

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2018 4:38 pm
by Stasiavous
I like the second set of designs with the black accents. Very professional and laid out well. Great job Matt!

Re: Project03-Prelim

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 12:17 pm
by Jones
My preference is for the second one. It breaths a bit more, and has more interesting images. They show a level of professionalism that the program also wants to convey. Are you considering a parallax for the menus? I like the color choices, font looks good. Well done yo.

Re: Project03-Prelim

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 4:33 pm
by Jackal
I like your first home page but prefer the layout of the second one. I think your concepts are really well thought out but I would've liked to see something a little more artsy from you. They still look good though and you put a lot of detail into them, good job!!

Re: Project03-Prelim

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 7:48 pm
by hiitsyuri24
My favorite is the last set. The images really help to understand the website more.

Re: Project03-Prelim

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2018 2:32 pm
by Instructor
I like your second design best. It's super clean and uses contrast well. That black menu at the top stands out and is easy to use, making navigation around the site a snap. It, along with the green bar above it, make for a good top frame. You've also done well with your typography selection. It's sans-serif so it looks modern, but it's rounded so it feels softer and more creative. I like the way the layout presents it's images, too. You've got a nice, wide content area to play with. Good use of columns to divide your information. I like the little glow behind the titles, that's pretty strong. Great use of accordions on your mobile version.

Justify your type. You've got a clean column layout and the justified type will give you another design element for your arsenal. I'd take out the dark drop shadow behind your titles and just leave the green glow. On your mobile design, I'd expand the accordions so that your drop shadow is not overlapping your type and flow your bodycopy around your background image rather than fading it into the background.

A good start!

Re: Project03-Prelim

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 6:40 pm
by kj923
You did a great job in all your designs! I have nothing negative to say about it! Nicely done!