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Re: Project 1 Complete

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 10:44 pm
by Lundholm
That's in the works... I'm actually planning on adding several new features throughout the semester.

Re: Project 1 Complete

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:47 pm
by Ravana
Lookin' good... though I think I agree with everybody on the nav links. But I think the problem isn't the font, it's that they are squished together. If you give yourself a bit more space to work with, you can give them each a little more space, and more importantly increase the font size a touch. I think that might fix the problems you're having there. Other than that, lookin' good.

And you're making me want to add server side scripting features to my site, just because you've got them too. I also programmed my site in PHP... but mostly just because I wanted to, not because of any particular functionality I wanted. I'll have to figure something out so I can compete. :P

Re: Project 1 Complete

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 4:02 pm
by Vi_Vi
To me, there's a bit too much gray in your website. Maybe you want it that way, but from text box, to the box around the title to the nagivation box are all different shades of gray, which I think it different but maybe you can change the background color to some non-gray. Also, the font youin the navigation area is a bit uncomfortable to read, maybe it's because of the italic or the letters are too close together, but I do like the flipping of the text rollovers. nice work.

Re: Project 1 Complete

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 6:08 pm
by mminten
I agree with the lighter gray for the boxes. I also think that flipping the link text makes it harder to read and feels a little clunky. The image of yourself just seems to float there and I think the car image is enough.

Re: Project 1 Complete

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 1:36 pm
by miss_kristine
I think you overall design is good, but I'm not a fan of the type face used in you header and links. It's difficult to read, especially against the dark grey text boxes. I would suggest playing with different type faces, or tracking and kerning, and probably lightening the text boxes a tad.

Re: Project 1 Complete

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 2:23 am
by MadBroChadBro
I like the website. The design is good. I think the type on the navigation is a little scrunched and hard to read, then when you rollover them they flip which makes it a little hard. Overall the website is good and well done. Good job.